Articles in Socialism

Should You “Put Your Life In Order” Before Criticizing the World?

Karl Marx’s home life was a hot mess. Jordan Peterson can’t keep his room clean. So what?

It’s Time to Break Up With Our Exploitative Political and Economic System

Malaika Jabali’s new book explains why living under capitalism is like being in an abusive relationship. It’s a funny and engaging primer on anti-capitalist and socialist politics, and it couldn’t come at a better time.

The Old Left Renaissance of the “New Masses” Magazine

A dive into the archives of the New Masses (1926-1948) shows a left that tried to forge a new culture. Their successes and ultimate failure offer lessons for our own time.

A Democratic Socialist Looks Back on 50 Years in Leftist Activism

The late Milt Tambor, in a previously unpublished interview, recalls participation in leftist organizing from the labor movement of the ’60s to DSA in 2021.

Seven People They Never Told You Were Socialists

Radicals consistently have their radicalism erased. Never forget the values people actually held or the causes they actually fought for.

‘American Democratic Socialism’ Has a Proud, Diverse, and Inspiring History

Gary Dorrien’s sweeping history of American democratic socialism weaves personal, intellectual, and spiritual narratives together in a book that reminds us of the great potential of the socialist movement.

Why We Should Abolish the Family

The family is a conservative project that limits human flourishing. The family must be abolished.

Keeping the Faith: Socialism in the Waiting Place

Being on the left requires us to be impatient and active, but we also have to learn to keep the faith and settle in for a long struggle that involves a lot of waiting and frustrating setbacks.

Socialist Politics are More Necessary Than Ever 

Though we are smeared as “kooky,” “ridiculous,” and “reprehensible,” socialists are actually the only political actors offering a vision of a future worth living in.

The Quest for Red Plenty

The failure of economic planning in the Soviet Union does not mean that effective socialist economic planning will never be possible.

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