Below is a non-exhaustive list of subjects covered in Current Affairs. Each entry links to a relevant Current Affairs article on the listed topic. The article provides a comprehensive take on the subject that can guide readers looking to ensure they hold the correct opinion on any given matter.
- abortion
- academic jargon
- activist academics
- Agent Orange
- airships
- alt-right, the
- Airbnb
- airlines
- aliens
- anarchism
- angry feminism
- antifa
- antique shops
- ants
- arbitration clauses
- architecture
- Assange, Julian
- asylum law
- Arpaio, Sheriff Joe
- auteurs
- avocados
- automation
- bad taste in art
- Barrett, Amy Coney
- Beck, Glenn
- Bezos, Jeff
- Biden, Joe
- Big Tobacco
- billionaires’ memoirs
- bipartisanship
- Bloomberg, Michael
- body cameras
- book collecting
- border wall
- bourgeois feminism
- Bratton, Bill
- Brooks, David
- Buffett, Warren
- burkinis
- Bush, George W.
- Buttigieg, Peter
- capitulation
- Castile, Philando
- castles
- Cernovich, Mike
- children
- Chomsky, Noam
- Christ, Jesus
- clickbait
- climate change
- climate emergency
- climate media coverage
- Clinton, Bill
- Clinton, Hillary
- collectivism
- colonialism
- Comey, James
- compassion
- confederates in New England
- conspiracy theories
- consumerism
- contracts
- ContraPoints
- corporate ownership
- Coulter, Ann
- cost-saving arguments
- Corbyn, Jeremy
- corporate leadership training
- court fines
- criminal justice and race
- critical race theory (CRT)
- cultural appropriation
- cultural divide
- Cruz, Ted
- Dalio, Ray
- Damore, James
- dams
- “dangerous” ideas
- death
- death penalty
- debate, high school
- debate, usefulness of
- degrowth
- Democratic messaging
- democracy
- deportation
- Dershowitz, Alan
- Díaz, Junot
- Dilbert
- domesticity
- Don’t Look Up
- dreams
- drug war
- Duckworth, Angela
- ecofascism
- elevators
- empathy
- economics of gun control
- The Economist
- Einstein, Albert
- Emanuel, Rahm
- exploitation
- Exxon
- factory farming
- fake news
- fake progressives
- fast food
- fidget spinners
- fossil fuels
- free speech for fascists
- free speech for kooks
- futility arguments
- garden cities
- Gates, Bill
- Gaza
- geoengineering
- Gilbert, Elizabeth
- Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
- Graeber, David
- Grant, Cary
- Greenwald, Glenn
- Guatemala
- Guevera, Che
- guns
- Hamilton
- Hannity, Sean
- hashtag activism
- Hefner, Hugh
- Henry, John
- Hiroshima
- Hitler, Adolf
- Hoffman, Abbie
- hopelessness
- Huffington, Arianna
- human nature
- identity politics
- immigration policy
- imperialism
- incels
- influencers
- international law
- internet infrastructure
- Jamestown
- job creators
- Johnson, Boris
- journalists
- judges
- Juneteenth
- Kaine, Tim
- killer robots
- kindness
- King Jr., Martin Luther
- landlords
- Las Vegas
- laws
- lawyers
- laziness
- Lebanon
- left-liberal divide, the
- lemurs
- liberalism
- libertarianism
- lifestyles of the rich
- litmus tests
- local office
- loneliness
- Long, Huey
- loving your enemy
- Luddites
- luxury leftism
- macabre, the
- Mac Donald, Heather
- magazines
- magicians
- malls
- Manning, Chelsea
- Mardi Gras
- martyrs
- mass incarceration
- MasterClass
- May, Theresa
- media bias
- Medicare For All
- Mensch, Louise
- Michigan
- Middle Ages, the
- minimum wage
- Modi, Narendra
- money in politics
- moral aspects of wealth
- moral panics
- Motown
- Mount Everest
- movies about 9/11
- moving left
- Murray, Charles
- Musk, Elon
- mutual aid
- My Lai massacre
- nature documentaries
- natural wonders
- Nazis and the media
- Nazi-punching
- net neutrality
- New Orleans
- New York City
- New York Times, The
- NFTs
- Nobel Prize
- North Korea
- novels
- nuclear war
- Obama, Barack
- open borders
- O’Reilly, Bill
- Orwell, George
- Ossoff, Jon
- Paine, Thomas
- parents
- party unity
- Pelosi, Nancy
- Perez, Tom
- Peterson, Jordan
- pessimism
- Pinker, Steven
- pit bulls
- Pizzagate
- platitudes
- playgrounds
- PolitiFact
- presidential pets
- presidential tax returns
- prestige TV
- price gouging
- Prince
- prioritization of suffering
- prison abolition
- prison-industrial complex
- prisoner voting
- private prisons
- private schools
- privilege
- “problematic”
- propaganda
- prosecutorial mentality
- Pruett, Robert
- psychedelics
- public housing
- public schools
- punditry
- queer history
- Quixote, Don
- racism and economics
- Rand, Ayn
- relative v. absolute progress
- reparations
- Republican Party strategy
- Rogan, Joe
- Rowling, J.K.
- rule of law
- rules versus principles
- Russian meddling
- Rwanda genocide
- Sanders, Bernie
- Sartre, Jean-Paul
- Satanic panics
- SAT, use of in admission
- Scandinavia
- school privatization
- seasteading
- science education
- sci-fi and fantasy
- self-flagellation
- sensitivity readers
- Sesame Street
- sex work
- shaming, politics of
- Shapiro, Ben
- shipwrecks
- Shkreli, Martin
- Silicon Valley
- simulation argument
- Singer, Peter
- Silver, Nate
- skiing
- slavery
- Smithsonian Institution
- Snyder, Timothy
- social justice industry, the
- “social justice warriors”
- socialism
- software licensing
- Sontag, Susan
- sortition
- space exploration
- space utopias
- Star Trek
- startup culture
- Stewart, Jon
- Stooksbury, Rodney
- student debt
- suicide
- suicide hotlines
- Sullivan, Andrew
- Supreme Court
- surveillance capitalism
- teacher shortages
- teacher strikes
- Tesla
- Titanic
- Title IX
- tolerance
- tragedies, politics of
- trespassing
- truckers
- Trudeau, Justin
- Trump, Donald J.
- Trump presidency
- trust in media
- Tuttle Twins, The
- Twitter feminism
- utopianism
- Uzbekistan
- vaccine mandates
- Venezuela
- violence
- voting, ethics of
- vulgarity
- Wall Street
- Watergate
- weddings
- Weiner, Anthony
- Weinstein, Harvey
- West Wing, The
- WeWork
- white supremacists
- Whole Foods
- Wolf, Michelle
- Wolff, Michael
- World War I
- World War II
- World War III
- wrongful convictions
- Yale University
- Yiannopoulos, Milo
- Yglesias, Matthew