Articles in Politics (8)

Take Trump Seriously When He Vows To Build The Camps

Trump is openly planning to build a vast network of internment facilities, while railing against “internal threats” and calling his enemies “vermin” and vowing to “root them out.” The warning signs of fascism have never been more obvious or alarming.

They’re All “Extremists”

The Republican Party has long been pushing us toward an apocalyptic dystopian future. The differences between individual Republicans are far less important than their similarities.

What Chasten Buttigieg Has to Tell Us

‘I Have Something to Tell You’ provides a blueprint for an LGBTQ politics whose only challenge to American empire and capitalism is that our most oppressive institutions should be queer-affirming.

Does Hunter Biden Matter?

Republicans believe the president’s son is at the center of the corruption scandal of the century. Democrats think Hunter is a non-issue and the worst allegations are mere conspiracy theory. Should voters care, and how much?