Revisiting the New Deal era offers crucial lessons in the current political moment. It shows how a distinctly American progressive politics might capture the support of a broad swath of the country and how major reforms can in fact be accomplished.
Philosopher and sociologist Musa al-Gharbi explains who gets accused of being 'woke,' what their social justice beliefs actually are, and how they practice them.
In 2004, Marvin Heemeyer ran a bulldozer through his small Colorado town. While he is sometimes remembered as a right-wing hero who stood up to government, the reality is that he was simply a wealthy man angered that he couldn't become even wealthier at the expense of others.
People commit desperate, futile acts of violence when the political system fails to offer a legitimate way to address grievances and we don’t have a movement that can give people hope.
The campaign squandered a whole lot of money and made plenty of people rich. Parts of the Democratic operation seem more like a multi-level marketing scheme (MLM) than a political movement.