The chief executive shouldn't be able to hand out "get out of jail free" passes to friends and family. Pardons are a bad way to rectify instances of injustice.
A University of Chicago professor recently criticized a peculiar color-coded nametag system he saw law students using. The originator of said tri-color system would like to say a few words in its defense.
The Georgia attorney general accuses activists of being “racketeers,” “money launderers,” and even “domestic terrorists.” This ludicrous court case should be denounced by everyone who values their freedom.
A relic of the First World War that helped destroy the anti-war left, the Act remains a threat to news outlets, political organizers, and anyone else who might challenge American militarism and the surveillance state.
Why shouldn’t teenagers get to democratically decide on matters of justice? Teen courts are a fascinating and empowering experiment in alternatives to harsh punishment.