What Happens in the West Wing October 24, 2020 The show is a documentary about how and why centrist politics fails, and the inner logic used to conceal that failure. by Nathan J. Robinson
The Real Abbie Hoffman October 22, 2020 Why it’s impossible to Sorkin-ize the great revolutionary clown. by Nathan J. Robinson
Why Conservative Arguments Are So Worthless October 20, 2020 And why liberal technocrats who give credence to them are so obtuse. by Nathan J. Robinson
The Chomsky Position On Voting October 16, 2020 It’s important to vote Democratic, but we should be under no illusions that voting Democratic will save us. Voting is a small part of our political lives. by Nathan J. Robinson
Obama’s Words October 09, 2020 Revisiting the 44th president’s speeches helps us understand why his politics were so limited, and what we need instead. by Nathan J. Robinson
The Lights Blink Out One By One September 28, 2020 On trying to see history from the perspective of a participant. by Nathan J. Robinson
There Is No Invisible Referee September 26, 2020 In politics it’s not enough to win the argument or have justice on your side. You have to actually take and hold power. by Nathan J. Robinson
The Biden Campaign Needs To Get Its Ass In Gear Right Now September 17, 2020 A worrying complacency has led Biden to avoid even attempting ground operations. Why would anyone take this risk given the stakes of the election? by Nathan J. Robinson