We should be concerned by the prominence of figures who boast about their lack of interest in other human beings’ welfare. Can we make it cool to care about other people?
Berlusconi was a clownish right-winger who nevertheless became Italy’s longest-serving postwar prime minister. Whether in Italy or the US, if the left is to stop “right-wing populists,” it must offer a compelling alternative.
US and Western powers’ continued engagement in and support for international war crimes makes the Global South hesitate to rush to judgment in Russia’s war against Ukraine.
Reading “Where Do We Go From Here,” King’s final statement of his values and vision, helps us to refine our vision of what changes we need and renew our determination to bring them about.
Corporate jargon is full of empty phrases and endless metaphors. But lurking underneath is the dark reality of how this language facilitates corporate profits at the cost of human lives.