It’s Not Enough To “Move To The Left” September 08, 2017 Progressive rhetoric is not enough alone. People actually have to like you… by Nathan J. Robinson
The Question of Cultural Appropriation September 06, 2017 It’s more helpful to think about exploitation and disrespect than to define cultural “ownership”… by Briahna Joy Gray
“Verrit” Shows Everything Wrong With Clintonism September 04, 2017 Of course Hillary Clinton endorsed a propagandistic “fact-checking” startup… by Nathan J. Robinson
How Identity Became A Weapon Against The Left September 03, 2017 Reaction to criticism of Kamala Harris shows how the voices of progressive people of color are erased… by Briahna Joy Gray
The Meaning of Tolerance August 28, 2017 Liberal calls for “tolerance” are almost always hypocritical… by Alex Nichols
How To Write About Nazis August 26, 2017 When covering the far right, the media has a duty to deliver both facts and context, fearlessly and stoically… by Amber A'Lee Frost
Wait, Do People Actually Know Just How Evil This Man Is? August 26, 2017 Joe Arpaio’s reign was two decades of intimidation, cruelty, and abuses of power… by Nathan J. Robinson