Why I Love Mark Zuckerberg And Can Never Say A Word Against Him January 03, 2018 Independent media organizations are at the mercy of tech companies’ algorithms… by Nathan J. Robinson
Just When You Thought Democrats Couldn’t Get Any More Oblivious… December 31, 2017 There are literally people advocating that Democrats should run flavorless candidates who sound like Republicans… by Nathan J. Robinson
The People That Capitalism Makes December 27, 2017 As inequality worsens, the super-rich become more and more grotesque… by Nathan J. Robinson
If This Is True, Nothing Else Really Matters December 21, 2017 Some sources suggest the U.S. is preparing for an attack on North Korea. That would be a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions. by Nathan J. Robinson
Why Isn’t This A Major National Scandal? December 19, 2017 A recent report on the abuses of convict laborers in Oklahoma chicken plants should cause widespread outrage… by Nathan J. Robinson
A Public Internet Is Possible December 14, 2017 Net neutrality is part of a larger fight to free internet access from corporate control… by Vanessa A. Bee