Our Task in 2024

Here’s the good news: You have a majorly important role to play in world-historic events. Here’s the bad news: Unprecedented catastrophes will befall humanity if we don’t do everything we can to change course.

On MLK Day, Always Remember the Radical King

Forty years ago, the federal holiday celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday was created. While King’s legacy and holiday have been co-opted by presidents for political expediency, we must always remember King’s radical critique of U.S. society.

How To Spot Red Flags

Politicians like John Fetterman always tell audiences what they want to hear. It’s our job to scrutinize their records, demand real commitments, and hold them accountable when they lie and betray us.

Who Can Win a Nobel Prize?

Human creativity can only flourish once basic needs are met. Because all creators have to worry about healthcare, childcare, and housing, usually the most privileged are the ones whose work gets made.