The Limits of Descriptive Representation February 11, 2021 After the disappointment of the Obama years, we need a new way to think about diversity in politics. by Sudip Bhattacharya
How the Media Cracks Down on Critics of Israel February 10, 2021 I was fired as a newspaper columnist after I joked about U.S. military aid to Israel on social media. by Nathan J. Robinson
Raúl Carrillo on MMT’s Connection to Student Debt February 09, 2021 Millions of Americans urgently need student debt relief. Modern monetary theory might offer a solution. by Sparky Abraham
The Problems With Public Defense Are Big, But They’re Fixable February 08, 2021 A growing number of public defenders are refusing to submit to a brutal and soul-crushing system. by David Anderson
COVID-19 Killed My Husband in Jail. So Did Democrats’ Indifference February 07, 2021 Republicans have botched the pandemic response, but Democratic elected officials have blood on their hands, too. by Cassandra Greer-Lee
Knowledge Is Not Power: Why Cigarettes Still Appeal February 06, 2021 For many, the chance to reject neoliberal self-care culture outweighs the obvious health risks. by Benjamin Y. Fong
The Horrible Politics of $1,400 Checks February 05, 2021 Why on earth would Democrats not pass $2,000 checks as promised? by Nathan J. Robinson
What We Owe Our Whistleblowers February 04, 2021 If we want the next Edward Snowden or Reality Winner to speak up, we have to show that we’re listening. by Joseph Sorrentino