But Do You Want DYLANN ROOF To Have Rights? April 30, 2019 Why “universal” really means universal… by Nathan J. Robinson
Why We All Hate Bari Weiss So Much April 25, 2019 Hatred for those who whitewash atrocities is born from compassion for the victims… by Nathan J. Robinson
How Inequality Statistics Can Mislead You April 20, 2019 It doesn’t matter if my income grows 500% if it started out at four cents… by Nathan J. Robinson
Live Commentary on the Žižek-Peterson Debate April 20, 2019 Our editor willingly exposes himself to several hours of gruesome torture… by Nathan J. Robinson
Neoliberalism and Notre-Dame April 19, 2019 When the logic of austerity makes preservation look like a luxury, cultural objects go up in flames… by Nathan J. Robinson
The Radical Egalitarian Politics Of Weird Al’s “UHF” April 16, 2019 The 1989 cult classic shows how collective enterprises succeed and why socialism produces superior culture… by Nathan J. Robinson
Elizabeth Warren’s Excellent Ideas April 16, 2019 Warren is getting more specific than any other candidate, proposing some real solutions instead of empty rhetoric… by Nathan J. Robinson