If the Training Recommends Murder, the Training Is Clearly Wrong May 08, 2021 Far too often, U.S. cops take the easy way out by using deadly force. by Nathan J. Robinson
Why the Panic Over Trans Kids? April 30, 2021 A recent wave of pseudoscholarship and pseudojournalism has encouraged people to fret about a Trans Trend that is supposedly luring vulnerable cisgender children into risky medical procedures. by Nathan J. Robinson
Why Cryptocurrency Is A Giant Fraud April 20, 2021 Speculators might make money on it, but the arguments for its usefulness fail completely. by Nathan J. Robinson
When Is the Revolution in Architecture Coming? April 15, 2021 We need to build places we can’t stop looking at. It will involve lots of plants. by Nathan J. Robinson
Being on the Left Involves Losing a Lot April 10, 2021 It sucks. But the fight must go on. by Nathan J. Robinson
Surely We Can Do Better Than Elon Musk April 07, 2021 Getting past the cult of Genius and the bleakness of capitalist futurism. by Nathan J. Robinson
That’s It, I’m Out April 01, 2021 The internal ideological climate of Current Affairs has become intolerable. I can bear it no longer. by Nathan J. Robinson
Amazon Is Caught In a Brazen Lie About Its Exploitative Practices March 29, 2021 Bezos may be out as CEO, but the bullshit continues to flow. by Nathan J. Robinson