Obamacare Scams and the Need For a Public Search Engine October 20, 2021 Google’s for-profit search monopoly has turned information access into a corrupt mess. Both healthcare and web searches should be public, not private. by Nathan J. Robinson
Where The Left Goes Next October 18, 2021 We have our work cut out for us. Each of us must resist despondency and find a way to take meaningful action. by Nathan J. Robinson
Adventures in 19th Century Socialism October 11, 2021 H.M. Hyndman was a buffoon and bigot who nevertheless left behind a fascinating account of the early decades of radical politics. by Nathan J. Robinson
Why Is The Biden Administration Obstructing a Torture Investigation? October 08, 2021 If Biden actually believes torture “goes against everything we stand for,” perhaps he should stop having his lawyers stand for it in court. by Nathan J. Robinson
The Real Problem With Jon Stewart October 04, 2021 The Daily Show changed political comedy, but Stewart’s persistent non-partisanship has limited his ability to stay relevant. by Nathan J. Robinson
Announcement: We Are Resuming Publication October 01, 2021 A note to our readers after a 1-month hiatus on what readers can expect from us going forward. by Nathan J. Robinson
Manatees Are Better Than Us August 11, 2021 Is a utopian pacifistic society possible? The lives of manatees show that it is possible to live without violence or the state. by Nathan J. Robinson
How To Think About International Responsibility For Climate Change August 03, 2021 We need to begin with the recognition that the United States has been more responsible for the climate catastrophe than anyone else. We have inflicted costs on the rest of the world that they rightly resent us for. by Nathan J. Robinson