Though we are smeared as “kooky,” “ridiculous,” and “reprehensible,” socialists are actually the only political actors offering a vision of a future worth living in.
Santa Claus of North Pole, Alaska is running for Congress on a progressive platform. Can the true Christmas spirit of love and solidarity triumph against the right-wing politics of Sarah Palin?
There is a difference between political actions that are expressive and those that are tactical. We have to act on the basis of what works, not what feels noble.
Societies can carry out Nazi-level atrocities without most people noticing the moral depravity around them. We need to be more disturbed by things commonly assumed to be normal.
The IPCC has made clear that expanding oil and gas infrastructure is suicidal insanity. Why are U.S. progressive politicians contemplating agreeing to it?
Mentally arranging the world into homogeneous “civilizations” makes us oblivious to the world’s complexity as well as to our shared humanity with those considered mysterious Others.