Those who caused the bulk of the climate crisis owe damages to those who are harmed by it. If U.S. emissions cause flooding in Pakistan, the U.S. must compensate Pakistan.
If we’re never going to hold U.S. war criminals accountable, what moral credibility do we have when we condemn Russia and others? We don’t even begin to practice what we preach.
Dan Price was hailed for his commitment to paying his employees generously, showing how capitalism can “have a heart.” Now that he has been exposed as a fraud and abuser, we should reevaluate the idea of moral CEOs.
Attacking homeless people with spikes is morally tantamount to assault. Designers should not be permitted to incorporate the threat of pain into the built environment.
If we valued the lives of animals, we would not simply exterminate the ones that inconvenience us. We need to massively elevate the moral status of other species.
War between nuclear-armed powers should be unthinkable. The deterioration of U.S.-China relations threatens the whole world, and treating China as an enemy is suicidally deranged.