The Political Sociopath July 22, 2016 Ted Cruz’s autobiography reveals a man with few values and infinite ambition. by Nathan J. Robinson
Everyone Is Doing A Very Bad Job Of Not Caring About the RNC July 20, 2016 If you lament its lack of substance, then spend time talking about substantive things. by Nathan J. Robinson
The Solution to Vulgar Nativism Is Not Polite Nativism July 18, 2016 Conservatives nominally disavow Trump’s ugly nationalistic appeals, but their own anti-immigrant sentiments are hardly different… by Nathan J. Robinson
Why Leftists Should Have No Problem Voting For Hillary Clinton July 12, 2016 Bernie Sanders was right to endorse Hillary. Here’s how socialists should think about voting decisions. by Nathan J. Robinson
The Argument Gun Rights Supporters Can’t Respond To June 14, 2016 There’s no principled distinction between a gun and a magic death-button. by Nathan J. Robinson
The Democrats Are Making A Suicidal Mistake May 26, 2016 As a report undermines her statements about the email server, and polls show Trump drawing even, the Clinton campaign is quickly becoming a disaster. by Nathan J. Robinson
Bill Clinton’s Shameful Genocide Denial May 14, 2016 Clinton’s actions during the Rwandan genocide were worse than is usually remembered… by Nathan J. Robinson
How To Justify Hiroshima May 11, 2016 Anyone who thinks the bombings were even slightly questionable must be “historically illiterate.” by Nathan J. Robinson