Order Our New Book “Trump: Anatomy of a Monstrosity” January 17, 2017 The ultimate book on the meaning of our present political situation, as well as the best way to fix it… by Current Affairs
For A Luxury Leftism January 08, 2017 If socialism isn’t about giving people nice things and good times, what on earth is it about? by Current Affairs
Pizzagate: A Current Affairs Special Report January 01, 2017 The alt-right says Democrats operate a pedophilia ring out of a D.C. Pizzeria. Current Affairs investigates… by Current Affairs
The Best of Current Affairs December 05, 2016 A sampler platter of Current Affairs delicacies… by Current Affairs
Why Not Get a Holiday Gift Subscription for a Loved One? December 01, 2016 T’is the season to buy dozens of Current Affairs subscriptions for all of your acquaintances… by Current Affairs
Letters to the Editor November 07, 2016 The latest in our ongoing barrage of public complaints… by Current Affairs
The Faux Feminism of Hillary Clinton October 22, 2016 In “False Choices,” feminist writers dissect the Clinton candidacy. We speak to three of the contributors. by Current Affairs
Money, Labor, and Current Affairs September 10, 2016 A word on our compensation practices and our commitment to paying writers punctually and fairly. by Current Affairs