How Can You Talk Effectively to Anti-Vaxxers, Flat Earthers, and Climate Deniers? October 15, 2021 A philosopher of science on how we can constructively engage with those whose identities are built around dangerous delusional beliefs. by Current Affairs
Is Christopher Hitchens Still Worth Reading? October 13, 2021 An interview with Ben Burgis about his upcoming book: “Christopher Hitchens: What He Got Right, Where He Went Wrong, and Why He Still Matters.” by Current Affairs
Why Is Talk Radio So Right-Wing? (And How Can The Left Compete?) October 06, 2021 America’s leading progressive talk show host, Thom Hartmann, discusses how leftists can effectively counter the conservative talk radio behemoth. by Current Affairs
How The Rich Profit Off Racism, From Charter Schools to Detention Centers October 02, 2021 Author Jim Freeman discusses his new book “Rich Thanks To Racism: How The Ultra-Wealthy Profit From Racial Injustice.” by Current Affairs
Meet The Democratic Socialist Holding Barack Obama’s Old State Senate Seat August 11, 2021 In conversation with activist legislator Robert Peters about how leftists can operate “on the inside,” how to get your bills signed into law, and how leftists can adopt effective messaging on public safety and violence. by Current Affairs
Barbara Ehrenreich on Medicine, Macrophages, and Megafauna… January 02, 2021 A discussion of the Wellness craze, how science adapts to new information, and the human idea of the self. by Current Affairs
Michael Moore On the 2020 Election, Trump’s Brain, and What We Can Do Next November 02, 2020 Michael Moore and Nathan J. Robinson take a deep dive into Trump’s bizarre appeal and the reasons why the election outcome is impossible to predict. by Current Affairs
Wendell Potter on How the Health Insurance Industry Manipulates Public Opinion October 26, 2020 The former Cigna executive on how corporations protect their profits by lying to Americans about single-payer healthcare. by Current Affairs