The Chart of Charts

Ever wonder what’s what? Now you know.

Have you lain awake at night pondering the Current Affairs Editorial Stance ™ on crepes, sledding, growing your own, or losing elections? Wonder no more! From Issue 26, The Chart of Charts will tell you what we think of everything.

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Announcing Our Newest Issue


In this issue: the horrors of corporate food, an exposé of animal farming, a debunking of fossil fuel propaganda, and much much more! We offer a sneak peak at Trump's Greenland, a lookbook of the latest "fast fashion," a dive into Frida Kahlo's politics, and suggestions for what REAL masculinity looks like. Plus a dig into archaeology, some new psy-ops to try, and a preview of Taylor Swift's next world-spanning tour. It's filled with gorgeous original art and vibrant writing, so check it out today.  

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