Welcome to Pinkertown

Where the data show that everything is A-okay!

Some people think things are pretty rotten right now. But if you look at the evidence, you’ll find that actually things are better than ever! Here in Pinkertown, where Enlightenment values reign, the data show that all the little creatures are getting along just fine.

Let’s meet some residents!

It may look like a dirty job, but clean coal means clean air!

Thanks to a generous donation to a local politician, this “clean coal” factory has received a special tax credit.

These migrants are picking delicious apples! If they complain about their working conditions, they will be deported.

Bakers wake up at 4 A.M.! Sometimes while they work, they hallucinate.

Technology requires rare earth metals. Without the short lives and early deaths of these child- laborers, you couldn’t enjoy your miraculous iPhone!

This driver has been on the road for 14 hours straight. If he doesn’t pay back his $70,000 truck loan this month, the company he works for will repossess it!

This worker is about to commit suicide! Fortunately, worker-suicides are down 12%.

Thought leaders give speeches at conferences! They make a lot of money, because they have earned it.

Innovation is exhausting! Thought leaders need plenty of rest.

Everyone is a worker, and every moment is work! This bunny is currently performing emotional labor.

Science has improved nutrition! This executive will live 20 years longer than his housekeeper.

These workers have been replaced by more efficient robots!

Words by Lyta Gold. Illustrations by Ellen Burch.

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Our beautiful July-August edition is packed with wholesome goodies to nourish the mind and excite the soul! We've got a feature on why you should host a sing-a-long (they're way better than karaoke), a look at the right-wing myths around post-apartheid South Africa, a dive into the politics of the Black Church, an interview with leading education critic Jonathan Kozol about unequal schooling in America, an examination of the parallels between Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, plus lots of fun stuff including comics, free music, and a classified section! As always it's loaded with sharp writing and beautiful art.

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