Why Not Get a Holiday Gift Subscription for a Loved One?

T’is the season to buy dozens of Current Affairs subscriptions for all of your acquaintances…

As is well-known, the kindest thing one human being can do for another is to purchase them a subscription to Current Affairs. This holiday season, if you’d like your own friends and relatives to be stunned by your thoughtfulness and generosity of spirit, why not purchase one of our gift subscription? Nothing says “I love you” like a quality print journal of political and economic analysis.

Here at Current Affairs, we take pride in presenting our subscribers with a uniquely pleasurable reading experience. Our print edition combines thoughtful writing with impeccable design, and is loaded with thrilling content, including puzzles, activities, comics, and satirical advertisements. Very few people who subscribe to Current Affairs ever regret it. 


Opening our magazine, and beholding its contents, is strange and joyful experience unlike any other. When you give it as a gift, you will make a friend for life. You will be adored and respected. And your holiday season will be guaranteed to sparkle.


To make the gift-giving experience even more personal, you can include this customized letter from our editor, explaining to your recipient just what a magical treat they have received. You can also print out and laminate our special introductory pamphlet “What Is Current Affairs? A Guide for the Perplexed.” In this way, you may have something with which to physically stuff their stocking, beyond the mere promise of future magazines.

The Current Affairs experience need not stop there. If you love someone especially much, why not throw in one of our signature “Death to the Economist” bumper stickers or a poster with a snake on it? You could even get them a copy of our first book, Superpredator: Bill Clinton’s Use and Abuse of Black America (hailed by no less than Noam Chomsky as “really outstanding”). Or you could pre-order our upcoming book Trump: Anatomy of a Monstrosity, scheduled to ship on Inauguration Day.


Current Affairs is a magazine like no other. Browse through some of our past work and enjoy. Then give the gift that gives six times annually. A Current Affairs subscription is a perfect way to flatter an employer or punish a nemesis. Subscribe your friends, spouses, colleagues, and enemies today! 

More In:

Cover of latest issue of print magazine

Announcing Our Newest Issue


In this issue: the horrors of corporate food, an exposé of animal farming, a debunking of fossil fuel propaganda, and much much more! We offer a sneak peak at Trump's Greenland, a lookbook of the latest "fast fashion," a dive into Frida Kahlo's politics, and suggestions for what REAL masculinity looks like. Plus a dig into archaeology, some new psy-ops to try, and a preview of Taylor Swift's next world-spanning tour. It's filled with gorgeous original art and vibrant writing, so check it out today.  

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