The Best of Current Affairs
A sampler platter of Current Affairs delicacies…
The end of 2016 also marks the end of Current Affairs’ first year of existence. Over the course of the annum, we have been pleased to bring readers an extraordinary selection of writing on a sprawling array of subjects. For a brand-new print magazine, we are proud of how much high-quality content we have managed to produce in a relatively short amount of time. Thanks to our generous and supportive readers and subscribers, we have managed to build and sustain a new print magazine in a time of great economic difficulty for small media outlets like ours.
We’d like to thank our readers by presenting them with some of the best content we’ve published in 2016, arranged by topic. If you enjoy what we have to offer, we strongly encourage you to subscribe to our print edition or donate money to fund our work. (Remember, a Current Affairs subscription makes an ideal holiday gift!) Current Affairs is not for profit, and all of the funding we receive goes directly toward paying writers and illustrators so that they can produce the highest quality work.
Thank you, and we hope you’ll love all of the material we have in store for 2017!
Media Criticism:
- Explaining it All To You: The Persistence of Vox
- Why Journalists Love Twitter
- Can the New York Times Wedding Section Be Justified?
- The ISIS Hysteria Industry
- Why PolitiFact’s True/False Percentages Are Meaningless
- Keeping The Content Machine Whirring
- The Cinema of 9/11
- The Abominable Taste of the Global Rich
- Paranoia, Democracy, and 1970s Film
- You Should Be Terrified That People Who Like Hamilton Run Our Country
Law and Criminal Justice
- Mass Incarceration and the Limits of Prose
- Examining the Conservative Defense of Police Shootings
- The Roots of the Criminal Justice Crisis Run Deeper Than Race
- More Lawyers, Same Injustice
- The Strange World of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon
Race & Gender:
- The Pathologies of Privilege
- Racism and the American Pit Bull
- The Self-Destructive Tendencies of Online Feminism
Money & Economics:
Right-Wing Politics:
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- Ted Cruz
- Arianna Huffington
- Bill Bratton
- Elizabeth Gilbert
- Martin Shkreli
- Alan Dershowitz
- Jeremy Corbyn
- Jon Stewart
- Bill Clinton
- Hillary Clinton
- Some Troublesome Questions for Liberals On Borders
- We Love Our Prize-Winning Immigrants
- Deporting Criminal Aliens Is Both Unwise and Immoral
Social Issues:
- Free Speech
- Vulgarity
- Suicide
- Slavery
- Climate Change
- School Privatization
- Guns
- Corporate Leadership Training
- Conspiracy Theories
- Moral Implications of Avocados
2016 Campaign Coverage:
- Unless the Democrats Run Sanders, A Trump Nomination Means a Trump Presidency (February)
- Nominating a Presidential Candidate Under Active FBI Investigation Is An Incredibly Risky Gamble (March)
- Democrats Should Be Very Worried About Hillary’s Anti-Trump Strategy (May)
- The Democrats Are Making A Suicidal Mistake (May)
- Why Leftists Should Have No Problem Voting For Hillary Clinton
- Melania’s Plagiarism Actually Just Shows How Vapid Political Speeches Are (July)
- Democrats Need To Stop Insisting That Everything Is Going Well (July)
- What This Means, How This Happened, What To Do Now (November)