You are Joe Biden. You may not know you are Joe Biden, but that is part of being Joe Biden. You are snoring peacefully in the basement of your Wilmington residence, waiting for someone to activate you. Suddenly, one of your toadies enters. There is a phone call from the Press. A thing has happened. The media needs your comment. What thing? Doesn’t matter, there’s no time. They just need a classic quotable Bidenism on the spot, so that the People will know you are alive and on top of the thing, whatever it is.
Your Bidenism:
“The thing–the thing you have to understand about America–what America needs is NOUN 1, not NOUN 2. We gotta…we gotta VERB this ADJECTIVE issue. I’ve studied history, and you can’t forget: GARBLE.”
You will need two. Take the first letter of your first name for NOUN 1, then the first letter of your last name for NOUN 2 A. milk B. ice cream C. the pool D. roaches E. kids F. girls G. the Chinese H. the crisis I. a problem J. a yo-yo K. fat L. socialism M. Corn Pop N. the President O. FDR P. World War II Q. drones R. a kill list S. war T. a position U. Amtrak V. Delaware W. some babe X. my son Y. a mistake Z. America
Your astrological sign:
Aries: hit
Taurus: touch
Gemini: smell
Cancer: sniff
Leo: bomb
Virgo: figure
Libra: beef up
Scorpio: fight
Sagittarius: attack
Capricorn: vote
Aquarius: text
Pisces: swim
Last digit of your birth year:
How depressed you are right now on a scale of 1-20. 20 is high):
we gotta
see here Jack
it’s malarkey
it’s not gonna happen
it can’t happen
it won’t happen
we have to take care of the cure
no matter what
…what was that?
that’s totally different
then go vote for Trump
or uh. You know
I never heard of it
I never met her
yes ma’am
I don’t…I don’t remember
give a shot
if we just
gotta together, we can make America, uh
But what if the press asks you a second question? Oh no! You’re plum out of nouns and verbs! That’s ok. Try a full-paragraph garble on for size.
“In America, we get things done. Not because, not only with our words, but actions, and sometimes words too. Because, you know, words are, it’s about how we talk, that’s what makes us great. And listen, bud, if you want to be America, if you want to be great, let me tell you, it’s simple, it’s decent, it’s how we’re gonna do it.”
In this issue: the horrors of corporate food, an exposé of animal farming, a debunking of fossil fuel propaganda, and much much more! We offer a sneak peak at Trump's Greenland, a lookbook of the latest "fast fashion," a dive into Frida Kahlo's politics, and suggestions for what REAL masculinity looks like. Plus a dig into archaeology, some new psy-ops to try, and a preview of Taylor Swift's next world-spanning tour. It's filled with gorgeous original art and vibrant writing, so check it out today.