We Stand With The Kickstarter Union

A joint statement from project creators condemning Kickstarter’s anti-union retaliation…

As Kickstarter project creators, we want to express our unequivocal support for Kickstarter’s workers in their attempt to form a union. We are disturbed that Kickstarter has fired multiple members of the union’s organizing committee and is pursuing aggressive tactics in an effort to keep its employees from exercising their basic right to bargain collectively. 

The success of our Kickstarter projects is in part thanks to the hard work of the company’s staff, who have put together a powerful tool for helping small projects succeed. Some of us have worked with Kickstarter before, and would hope to work with Kickstarter again in the future. But it is impossible to partner with a company that does not respect its workers and is not willing to honor their rights. Kickstarter’s unlawful and unethical actions threaten to do significant damage to its platform, and to the creators who rely on it. Kickstarter’s unionizing workers have not asked for a boycott of the platform. However, if the union believed it undermined their organizing effort we could not continue to work with Kickstarter. We will support them throughout their campaign in any way they ask. 

We call on Kickstarter to respect the unionization effort and and cease all illegal retaliation. We also ask other Kickstarter project creators to express their solidarity with Kickstarter workers’ union and to condemn the company’s firings.

The Editorial Staff, 

Current Affairs 

The Editorial Staff, 

Pinko Magazine

The Editorial Staff,

Protean Magazine

The Editorial Staff,

The Baffler

Matt Bors and the Editorial Staff,

The Nib Magazine

Additional signatories below. If you have previously run or are currently running a Kickstarter campaign, please sign onto this statement here and your name and project will be added here.

  1. Benjamin DeLoose, ESCAPE THE DARK: a horror feature
  2. Tonx Konecny, Yes Plz: Great Coffee Should Be for Everyone“Kickstarter should be a leader in embracing a unionized workforce in tech.”
  3. Casey Donahue, I Am Root Beer 
  4. Eric Mersmann, My Jam 
  5. Nicholas O’Brien, The Last Survey, “I was a “Creator-in-Residence” at Kickstarter in the spring/summer of 2019. I sign in solidarity with Taylor, Clarissa, and the Kickstarter United efforts.”
  6. Elly Blue, Unf*ck Your Boundaries
  7. Kati Skelton, Pots N’ Tots
  8. David Cahn, “Umar” a children’s book for 2-4 year olds, “I mean come on kickstarter.”
  9. Keely Weiss, Riding in Subarus with Boys: A Killer Dark Comedy, “Let Kickstarter workers unionize!”
  10. Sara Edwards, Pakt Coffee Kit
  11. Molly Ostertag, Strong Female Protagonist: Books 1 and 2 
  12. Seth Boyer, The New Full-Length Studio Album from Seth Boyer, “Solidarity forever”
  13. Aaron Izzard, Pokemon Inspired Enamel Pin Set “Galar and Friends” (Canceled), “Dropped Kickstarter this morning to relaunch on Indiegogo as soon as I heard the news. A company like this won’t make a cent from any more of my projects.” 
  14. SamDakota, Color Me Gray
  15. rocket loam, memory/a film in 100 frames, “they’re gonna organize regardless, step out of the way”
  16. Pat Baer, Send 404ing It to PAX West 2017“I fully support union efforts”
  17. David Willis, Dumbing of Age: Eighth Book Collection (1oth successful project), “This is incredibly disappointing.”
  18. Brian Siano, Romeo and Juliet, “Kickstarter helped me and thousands of others. Its workers deserve respect and their rewards, too. I stand with labor.”
  19. Grandkids, Grandkids Record a Full-length Album
  20. Greg Stolze, In The Dark, “I’very been with KS almost from the start—over 40 projects, first TTRPG creator to use the service. It took a lot to move me from ‘strong supporter’ to ‘on the fence.’ If these labor issues can shift me, how much more will they impact pledgers with less of an attachment to the site?”
  21. Ewen Cluney, Golden Sky Stories
  22. Jacob Randolph, Fellowship 2nd Edition, “Unionizing is the right of all workers, and Kickstarter cannot be allowed to stand in their way.”
  23. Hayden Stern, The Trans Tarot
  24. Bruce Hahne, Anime Angels, “I support worker unionization at Kickstarter, which needs to stop firing union organizers and then lying about the reason for the firings” 
  25. Jay Tholen, Dropsy, Hypnospace Outlaw 
  26. Sam Roberts, Escape from Dino Island
  27. Liam Ginty, Disposable Heroes, “All power to the working class and solidarity with their struggle against the bosses!”
  28. Christopher Grey, The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth Roleplaying Game
  29. Scott Leaton, Velvet Generation
  30. Brandon Perlow, Watson and Holmes 
  31. Russell Nohelty, Ichabod Jones, “I support the union” (Nohelty has raised over $100,000 on Kickstarter)  
  32. Steve Stormoen, Proactive Insurance: The Pros (and four other projects)
  33. Stu Horvath, Unwinnable Weekly
  34. David Lucarelli, Tinseltown: Director’s Cut, “The employees of Kickstarter work hard and deserve the benefits that come with unionizing.”
  35. Brendan Wright, Shots Fired: Benefiting Gun Violence Prevention Charities
  36. Jason Pitre, After The War, “Workers deserve respect and safety, and a union can make that happen. As a public benefit corporation, Kickstarter senior management should seriously consider how their actions are affecting their double bottom line.”
  37. Josh Dahl, Rapid City, Skies Over Superior, “I really want to use your great service again. Please do the right thing by your employees.”
  38. Craig Taillefer, Wahoo Morris: A Rock & Roll Urban Fantasy Graphic Novel
  39. Jay Iles, Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2nd Edition
  40. Shane W Smith, Undad trilogy, “I stand in solidarity with unionising employees.”
  41. Kevin Budnik, Handbook, “Unionize Kickstarter”
  42. Katherine Verhoeven, Feminasty Patches
  43. Amet, The Hunt II: Enamel Pin Series
  44. Gee Pike, Title Unrelated Vol 1
  45. Nicole Dornsife, Mexican Gray Wolf Pins and Shirts 
  46. Larry D Yudelson, Ben Yehuda Press 
  47. Aimee Fleck, RAW:, “I stand in solidarity with Kickstarter employees, who deserve to be respected, compensated, and have their rights as workers protected.”
  48. Guy Thomas, The Music of Erich Zann
  49. Stephanie Zuppo, Belchville, VT // Words& Pictures Community Print Shop
  50. Max Dlabick, Dice Hoarder Enamel Pins Series 2, “Unionization is a vital right for the equal treatment of workers and should be supported”
  51. CJ Joughin, City of Cards: Omnibus Volume 1, “Kickstarter has been one of the greatest boons to independent comic creators in the last decade, so much so that even some printers give discounts to successful projects because it is not only extremely common but also an amazing chance for independent creators to see their works thrive and that is celebrated. This is a community that at its core is about working together to offer people opportunities they would not have otherwise, and one that exists because the understanding that looking out for and supporting each other is the key to our success. This is how Kickstarter should view and treat the members of its own team, as the integral parts of their community that allow it to even exist let alone succeed as it has. As creators who rely on Kickstarter to help with our own futures, we do not want that to happen alongside the mistreatment of others. To put it simply, the right to unionize is a right guaranteed in the USA and these firings are unacceptable.”
  52. Pink M Pitcher, Various – Root & Branch, The Fantastic Voyage, “We stand in solidarity with all workers!”
  53. Patrick Brennan, Complicated Board Game the Card Game
  54. Massif Press, Lancer RPG, “Without Kickstarter, Lancer would still be a hobby project gathering dust in a (digital) filing cabinet. We owe our success to the platform, and were planning on running a second campaign in 2020 to continue growing the game that over 9,000 backers came together to raise more than $400,000.00 to help create. However, given the recent news of Kickstarter managements’ illegal and immoral union busting, we cannot in good conscience plan to use the platform until they respect the demands of the people whose labor makes the site work. The people who carry Kickstarter on their back — the workers—deserve the protections a strong union can win for them through collective bargaining; once they can have that honest shot at forming a union (and hopefully do!), we’ll happily return.”
  55. Kelsey Smith, Poke Fashion Trainers Enamel Pins, “People should not be fired for trying to unionize”
  56. cecil howe, The Forest Hymn & Picnic and Hex Kit 
  57. Joshua Tong, The Conduits
  58. Caias Ward, Retired: a Storygame about the Ordinary Life of a Retired Supervillain, “I’ve run 4 projects. An Injury to One is an Injury to All.”
  59. Amber Autumn Faebrooke, Scherzando!“Solidarity forever”
  60. Thomas Ridgewell, Crash Zoom (Series 2)
  61. Nicole, Ad Astra Comix, “Unions benefit everyone but the greedy.” 
  62. Jessica, Make Your Mark Suffragette Inspired Enamel Pin, “I was appalled to find out about the actions taken against some of the union organisers, Kickstarter is all about people coming together to support each other something which is epitomised by the formation of a union! Unions are there to make sure all workers are treated in a fair way, if Kickstarter has a problem with that then I have a problem with them!”
  63. Liz, Sweaty Palms 
  64. Pat Myers, Bear Company, “Kickstarter’s staff have been invaluable and personally reached out to help in my projects. Without them, I would not be able to publish my niche comics.”
  65. Aleksandra Korabelnikova, Backbone
  66. Carta Monir, Living The Crowdfunded Life—A Diskette Press Zine“Unionize Kickstarter!” 
  67. Ryan Estrada, Big Data, Broken Telephone, The Whole Story
  68. Tony Breed, Have Fun, Leave Me Out of It
  69. Kristen, The Empties“Unionize!” 
  70. Carlen May-Mann, The Rat
  71. Tanya X. Short, Boyfriend Dungeon and Moon Hunters 
  72. Caroline Symons, My Beautiful Boys, “I support Kickstarter’s workers in their efforts to unionize”
  73. Eli Kurtz, Derek Smith, Keely O’Sullivan, The Blackwood Errantry Codex, “When the union’s inspiration through the workers’ blood shall run/There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun!”
  74. Erin McKean, Wordnik
  75. Eric Simon, Rockalypse: the Fate Core RPG of Musical Conflict, “Kickstarter has made so many indie RPGs possible. We owe it to them to support the staff in whatever way we can.”
  76. Graeme Barber, Sojourner RPG, “Union Strong.”
  77. Jonathon Dalton, A Mad Tea-Party
  78. Kim Kelly, Black Flags Over Brooklyn
  79. Matt Baume, Queens of Adventure’s Legendary Journey
  80. James Morris, Queens of Adventure
  81. Bret Maskill-Watts, Pokeball Pride Pins!
  82. Parker Higgins, 1923: A Monthly Zine of Public Domain Treasures“Kickstarter has an opportunity to lead the industry here, and I hold out hope. There is power in a union!”
  83. Bryant Francis, Slingers
  84. Kieryn Darkwater, KieryGeek
  85. Evan Balster, imitone: Mind to Melody“Even sincere efforts to treat employees well are no replacement for negotiation. Parity, not charity.”
  86. Duncan Robson, Hours Played
  87. Josh Trujillo, Death Saves“Read the room”
  88. Johnathon Grach, Cut to the Chase, “I support the workers of Kickstarter and their pursuit of Unionization.”
  89. Sara McHenry, various projects totaling $3.5 million, “Solidarity!”
  90. jeffrey jacques, Questionable Content Vol. 6
  91. CE Murphy, No Dominion“I fully, actively, passionately support the employees of Kickstarter unionizing, and although I have run several successful campaigns and could stand to do a couple more, I will not be using Kickstarter for any new projects until this matter is resolved in the most positive and acceptable way for the workers.”
  92. Lis Boriss, Enamel Pin preorder: 4 Designs!, “I’ve kickstarted a couple smaller projects & preorders in the past. Had I known Kickstarter as a company was anti-union I would have handled it elsewhere or even independently. Unions engage in a thankless fight every day to get workers fairly compensated for their work and in safe work environments. It’s illegal to conduct the type of Union busting that Kickstarter is engaged in, and I stand with the workers – both current and former – in this matter. Until this is resolved in a constructive manner that allows the staff to freely unionize & negotiate for their rights & compensation, I will not be supporting Kickstarter in any way.”
  93. Michael Atkins, Meat N Nuts – Jerky Trail Mix, “Yes to union power! When starting a business we always sought to hire union labor- from Kickstarter to product delivery.”
  94. Nina Aurora, Eclipse Dice: Magical Girl Inspired Polydice ,“Workers should be allowed to unionize, until this is rectified I wont back or launch any new projects”
  95. Abi Stevens, Chronic Warrior Enamel Pins , “Awful behaviour. If this isn’t resolved fairly I’ll find an alternative for my next project.”
  96. HT Publishers, Screenplay
  97. Inkworks Productions, Unwritten: Adventures in the Ages of Myst and Beyond, “We were literally *just* discussing potential growth through Kickstarter. We’ll be examining other platforms now.”
  98. Mike Rapin, I Read Comic Books – Year 4
  99. Victoria Corva, Books & Bone: A Fantasy Novel“It is counter to everything I love about Kickstarter and everything it professes to support to punish its workers for unionizing and asking for fairness from their employers, as well as utterly unethical.”
  100. Lucian Kahn, Visigoths vs Mall Goths, “As a former union organizer, my open letter of support for the union is here: https://necromancy.itch.io/open-letter-in-support-of-unionizing-kickstarter-workers”
  101. Colin Horgan, Lucah: Born of a Dream
  102. Molly Crabapple, Shell Game, Week in Hell
  103. Maria Bustillos, Popula, “We at Popula love your platform and ask that you do the right thing.”
  104. Kurt Hartwig, Fringe Festival Performances – Heart of a Dog, “I support Kickstarter’s workers and their attempts to unionize.”
  105. Tom McLean, Story War“I haven’t run a Kickstarter campaign in many years and I’m pretty much out of that business. But if this had gone down a few years ago, I’d be seriously reconsidering my support of a union-busting company. Solidarity with the staff & organisers.”
  106. Colin Gadko, Pushing the (Chocolate) Envelope 
  107. Peter C. Hayward, Ninjitsu!
  108. Aly Kelly, Custom Dragon Eggs, “All employees deserve to be heard by their employers. Employers should never have the right to terminate employees just because the employees want to be heard and respected.”
  109. Lisa Vollrath, nine prior projects, “It’s really disappointing to learn that Kickstarter would stand in the way of letting their workers organize.”
  111. Nathan Curtis, Verwald’s Treasures“I support the right of workers to unionize in all fields.”
  112. Cameron Hays, Choke the Word“I benefit from a unionized workplace myself, so I support this effort.”
  113. Lonnie Mann, Thoughts From Iceland, a Travelogue Comic
  114. Ben Goldberg, The Chris Knox Benefit Concert
  115. Thorin Tabor, Shadows Over Sol: Science Fiction Horror Roleplaying, “I stand in solidarity with workers.”
  116. Daisy Finch McGuire, Gastrophobia
  117. Quintin Smith, Monikers: Serious Nonsense with Shut Up & Sit Down, “If Kickstarter’s anti-union behaviour continues then we’ll have no choice but to abandon the platform.”
  118. Michael Beach Nichols, Flex is Kings (2 campaigns), Welcome to Leith, “The idea that kickstarter would engage in union busting is shocking and disgusting. I’m saddened that I’ve contributed money and helped spread the word about this organization.”
  119. Dianna Gunn, Moonshadow’s Guardian 
  120. Andrew-David Jahchan, Aikonia
  121. MADSOFT Games, ME And My Dinosaur
  122. Scott Stephan, Aegis Defenders“Kickstarter has made so many dreams possible over the years by supporting small creators; Why can’t they do the same for their own employees?”
  123. Kit Rockatansky, Gothic cowboy tarot, “It’s horrible what they’ve done. I don’t plan on using them for future projects until they fix this behavior. Workers have rights, and trying to punish them for exercising them doesn’t go unnoticed.”
  124. Christopher Hastings, DRACULAGATE, “I would like to express my solidarity with Kickstarter’s workers’ union and condemn the company’s firings of Taylor Moore and Clarissa Redwine.”
  125. Brendan Schlagel, Antilibraries
  126. Heather Flowers, EXTREME MEATPUNKS FOREVER: BOUND BY ASH, “The workers of Kickstarter are wonderful people and they deserve better.”
  127. Greg Lobanov, Chicory: A Colorful Tale, Wandersong
  128. Aaron Amendola, Earworm
  129. Erin Roseberry, Magical Art Therapy Enamel Pins Series 2, “The workers are who make Kickstarter an amazing platform for independent creators and I support their unionization efforts.”
  130. Craig Stern, Telepath Tactics, True Messiah, “I don’t support businesses that engage in union-busting. Make it right, Kickstarter.”
  131. michi / chrysanthemumskies, Eat the Bigots Kickstarters “solidarity + strength!!!”
  132. Anita Sarkeesian, Tropes vs Women in Video Games
  133. Andy Young, Keith & Heath
  134. Nate Dern, On The Cusp, Off The Cuff“Kickstarter has the power to help people achieve their creative dreams! Kickstarter helped me do so with a project years ago when I was first starting out in the creative field. Kickstarter, please do right by your employees and support the union effort!”
  135. Craig Hurd-McKenney, SOME STRANGE DISTURBANCES: The Lunchroom Under the Arch, “Please value your employees. Their work is incredibly important & you need them.”
  136. Brittney Bugnet, Cat Nap Enamel Pins
  137. Geoff Weber, The Scientists, “I support the Kickstarter workers who want to organize.”
  138.  Matthew Brian Cohen, Janice Magazine
  139. Marshall Gause, NumberShire
  140. Jan Bosman, Redesigning a WarCraft Social Network, “I made a KS campaign when the site was still new and you had to apply for permission to run a campaign. The people who worked at Kickstarter THEN were just as worthy of being treated well as they are now – and the fact that they’ve been treated poorly enough to get to the point of forming a union is proof enough that they deserve one. I support their cause and will not be starting a KS project so long as they are treated unethically.”
  141. Adam Sacks, Digitally Erase the Rat From the End of The Departed
  142. Caroline Hobbs, Downfall
  143. Chris Longhurst, Bleak Spirits“Union busting should not be tolerated.”
  144. Steve O’Gorman, Hero Hours Contract, “My game is LITERALLY about unionisation and I feel crappy for keeping the KS alive, but I’m scared to give up what I’ve raised so far as the funding will do so much for my game. Solidarity is the best I can offer, and I hope I’m not perceived as a hypocrite.”
  145. Cap Blackard, Omniverse, “Our plans to launch a major funding campaign for future seasons of our podcast The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program won’t be happening via Kickstarter unless your employees are able to unionize.”
  146. Mary Hamilton, Heart, Strata, Spire
  147. James A D’Amato, Noisy Person Cards, The Dungeon Dome, A Woman With Hollow Eyes, A Woman With Hollow Eyes Season 2, “As a creator and superbacker I support a union for employees at Kickstarter and I am appalled by attacks against organizers.”
  148. Sam Tung, Escape From Dino Island, “Kickstarter is inherently democratic — let its employees band together to support what they need, too. United we bargain, divided we beg!”
  149. Brie Beau Sheldon, Turn: A Tabletop Roleplaying Game, “I support a union at Kickstarter wholeheartedly.”
  150. Megan Carnes, inter-view
  151. Aaron King, Patchwork World RPG zine set, “Shame on Kickstarter management”
  152. Daniel Sell, Troika! Numinous Edition, “You’re not the only fund raising platform in the world”
  153. Rachel Jackson, Manos – The Hands of Felt DVD (and 3 other projects)
  154. Eddy Vallante, The Privates (Short Film)
  155. DANIEL P HERRERO, The Lost Adventures: All-In-One 3D Printable Adventures, “I express full solidarity with these workers whose work has been praised within the community. As a former HR worker, I am struggling to believe that former employees with this kind of reputation within our community would be such terrible performers while being tied to a unionizing effort. I condemn this practice completely.”
  156. Abie Sidell, Some of Her Parts – A Short Film by Radical Rhinoceros, “Kickstarter’s entire purpose is to provide a platform for the collective empowerment of projects which wouldn’t or couldn’t succeed by ordinary capitalism. Betraying that here is to betray the fundamental function of the platform.”
  157. Melanie Ehrlich, Danse Macabre: A Short Film, “Having put extensive effort into producing my film in cooperation with my own industry’s labor union, I can’t in good faith keep our project on a platform that is actively dissuading (at best) the legal and rightful unionization of its workers. I will be looking into other platforms for our next round and future crowdfunding needs.”
  158. Mike Shirley-Donnelly, After the Lights Failed – New Full Length Album by Curious Quail, “The union busting efforts of Kickstarter management are absolutely reprehensible.”
  159. Christopher Lam, “I was planning a campaign very soon but I cannot in good conscience fund on Kickstarter with this horrendous, immature, and illegal use of power to stifle unionizing.”
  160. Olivia Raymond, The Best of Helios Quarterly Magazine (Volume One)
  161. Greg Emetaz, Bowes Academy, “Let your workers unionize!”
  162. Geneva Heyward, Skate and Date
  163. Asher Elbein, Ghost Days
  164. Matt Lubchansky, Please Listen to Me Vol. 1: Skeleton Party, “As a creator whose livelihood would not be possible without crowdfunding and a member of the comics community where I know the same is true for so many colleagues, I’m expressing solidarity with the Kickstarter workers and demanding that management recognize the Union, as well as reinstating the organizers that were fired.”
  165. Becky Chambers, The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
  166. Aaron J. Shay, Apocalypse Songs“I stand with the Union. Recognize them and let the workers collectively bargain!”
  167. Carmelo G Chimera, Cellar Door, “I love Kickstarter. But a company this lucrative should be taking such good care of their employees they don’t need or want to unionize. If they do, there’s a problem.”
  168. Dan Schoenbrun, The Eyeslicer // collective:unconscious, “As a frequent partner of Kickstarter on major events, a former creator-in-residence, a former employee who left in good standing, multi-time project creator, prolific backer, and general supporter of the art and film community, I am appalled by Kickstarter management’s recent actions, which I am sure they are well aware are straight out of the anti-union playbook. If a boycott is called by Kickstarter United I will not hesitate to permanently cease all use, support of, and collaboration with the platform.”
  169. Jaym, Strange California, Lost Citadel, Genius Loci, War Stories, Geek Love, Upside Down
  170. Sara Kiener, The Shawl, “In addition to running my own modest campaign, I also consulted on many projects which collectively raised close to a million dollars. From day 1 of Kickstarter I’ve been drawn to the platform BECAUSE OF THE PEOPLE WHO WORK THERE (past and present). Liz Holm, Dan Schoenbrun, David Ninh, Liz Cooke, Elise McCave, CE Martin (just to name a few) are some of your amazing employees WHO MAKE KICKSTARTER GREAT. You should know that you are nothing without your great staff. And you should honor and respect their right to collectively bargain. For crying out loud, what would KICKSTARTER be without collective participation, action, ideation and mobilization. Nothing.”
  171. Neil Gaiman, An Evening with Neil Gaiman & Amanda Palmer
  172. Graham Carter, When I Was a Young Girl, I Had Me a Cowboy
  173. Lev Kalman, Two Plains & a Fancy
  174. Whitney Horn, L for Leisure
  175. Danny Djeljosevic, BattleArc 2088
  176. Shing Yin Khor, Strange Friends, “I support Kickstarter’s organizing workforce wholeheartedly.”
  177. Joamette Gil, Heartwood: Non-binary Tales of Sylvan Fantasy
  178. Emily Ann Hoffman, Blackheads
  179. Sarah Shay, You Have Queer Street Cred: A new nerd-folk album!, “I’m small potatoes in the crowdfunding world, but I still wanted to show my support. Thank you for doing this!”
  180. Robert BojorquezGothingham Parts 2 & 3
  181. Christopher Ryan, Citadel Magazine“You have the support of the staff and editor of the Citadel Magazine.”
  182. Devon Manney, Cradle
  183. Jace Proctor, War of Omens
  184. Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, 13 successful campaigns, “We stand with Kickstarter’s workers and fully support their efforts to unionize.”
  185. Mila Matveeva, Radical Film Fair/The Eyeslicer, “If workers want a union, that is their right–I stand solidly with Kickstarter United!!”
  186. Matt Bors, The Nib magazine
  187. Doug P Geisler, Beat the Boss
  188. Parker Dylan Hicks, Vengeful Ghost: The First Year, “They have worked to give us creative freedom– they deserve respect and self-determination.”
  189. Will Canine, Opentrons: Open-Source Rapid Prototyping for Biotech
  190. Austin Stahl, Road Grays: the magazine for curious baseball fans
  191. Will Fulton, MOTHERBOARD: A Post-Apocalyptic Epic
  192. Eight Dollar Mountain, Tied to the Tracks
  193. C. Spike Trotman, Iron Circus Comics, “Iron Circus Comics couldn’t exist without the work the founders and employees of Kickstarter have done, and continue to do. They’ve become an indispensable part of the comics ecosystem, and their value has to be recognized with the basic rights and protections a union can provide. I stand in solidarity with KS’ union organizers, and I condemn the union-busting actions of KS’ current management.”
  194. David Cole, Hack Your Notebook“I know Clarissa from my time at Manylabs in San Francisco where she kept a desk during her early tenure with KS as the West Coast rep working on sourcing science projects and related connections. I’m just starting to absorb the details that are coming out in the Slate articles and want to put my name towards this effort at organization and support for KS workers. Kickstarter was, and is, unique for the activation and opportunity it mobilizes. Its focus on the vision of creators, the fact that it has become a defacto reference for high-touch, effective front-end outreach and network-building continues to inspire. The PBA designation followed suit — and now it appears the rubber meets the road in moments of collective action, ideally between workers and mgmt. So much about our economic engines need to be reconsidered to support shared values and questions of scarcity. It feels appropriate that the space Kickstarter staked out at the start – as a visionary, open platform that (to borrow of Tim O’Reilly’s phrase) creates more value than it captures is evolving as conditions for small, vital entrepreneurship streamline and standards for creative contributions and transactions begin to transform around practical, growth-related concerns about organizational culture and compensation. I would like to understand specifics about the constraints mgmt. was seeing coming down from Kickstarter United and the asks and conditions union members were seeking. This feels like a huge opportunity to define essential aspects of the Future of Work. If any organization were to step into this space transparently, collaboratively, I would think it would be KS.”
  195. Melanie Gillman, As the Crow Flies“I stand by Kickstarter employees’ efforts to unionize, and am deeply disturbed that a public benefit corporation would illegally fire employees for attempting to unionize.”
  196. Cat Parra, Dates! An Anthology of Queer Historical Fiction , “Kickstarter has been a huge part of how I and my business partner have been able to get our work into the world and an incredible way for us to support other creators. Kickstarter has always seemed to be a force of good for the underdog, which is why it’s huge disappointment to me to hear of the staff being mistreated and wrongfully terminated. Kickstarter management must reinstate these individuals and allow collective bargaining to live up to the message they put out into the world.”
  197. Shane W Smith, Undad Trilogy 
  198. Kristen Kiomall-Evans, Magical Girl Standee
  199. Liam Campbell, Adult Juice Box
  200. Dave Scheidt, Spooky Sleepover“Kickstarter is important because it’s about people coming together to make something great that maybe couldn’t exist without the support of others. Unions are the same. We need each other. Solidarity to all those affected.
  201. Charlie Stickney, White Ash“Kickstarter has been wonderful to me. I’ve raised over 100K to make comic books. I’m also a proud union member of the Writers Guild of America. And I know how important the ability to collectively bargain is. Do the right thing.”
  202. Iris Jay, Crossed Wires Vol. 1
  203. Nero O’Reilly, Bara Emergency; The Collared Pin Set
  204. Stephanie Zvan, Secular Women Work
  205. Erin Ptah, Leif & Thorn Volume 2: Sparklier, magic-er, funnier, gayer, “Let the people unionize!”
  206. Kel McDonald, Can I Pet Your Werewolf, “I stand with Unions”
  207. Jon Parrish, Wizards! Werewolves! Vampires! GOAT MEN! It’s a CLUSTERF@#K
  208. Lucy Bellwood, 100 Demon Dialogues“It is galling to think that unionization efforts are being met with this kind of hostility at a company that prides itself on ethical growth, respect for creators, and community values. As a three-time project creator (and backer of many projects) I’m deeply disturbed by the recent firings at Kickstarter and am standing in solidarity with the employees asking to unionize. My future involvement with the platform will be determined by their treatment.”
  209. Perry Renarldo Singletary Jr, 32 Kick-Up Vol 1
  210. Ben Haith-Bedford, Stormhaven Techs: Tapes from the Prep-Room
  211. Adam E. DeCamp, Deniable Assets, “My game is about grasping, dystopian corporations who grind people beneath their heels. Don’t make my game about you.”
  212. Geoffrey Golden, Wet Hot American Summer: Fantasy Camp RPG
  213. Amanda Meadows, The Devastator“I support the Kickstarter employees’ right to organize!”
  214. Sha Hwang, Gifpop“I am in full support of Kickstarter staff’s desires to unionize, and am grateful for the opportunity to voice my support as someone who has backed tons of projects, and who has been deeply supported by the broader Kickstarter user base in bringing my/Rachel’s project to life.”
  215. Cai Tse, CNY Lion Dance Enamel Pin Set
  216. John R Hopkins, Interstitial: Our Hearts Intertwined
  217. Pixel Occult, The Wayward Dark Tarot
  218. Shirley Jackson, Oracles of the Wild – Pin Set & Art Book
  219. Daniel Laabs, Jules of Light and Dark“Kickstarter had a huge impact on my career, the KS team member who assisted us along the way created a game plan for us, and generally went above and beyond give us a real chance at what we felt was an impossible goal. To put it simply, it was an employee’s passion and hard work that made the difference. To create any road blocks for these outstanding human beings to unionize is greed plan and simple.”
  220. Meredith McClaren, Book of Ghosts: Jerome Grand Hotel, “I support the union”
  221. Eben Burgoon, B-Squad, “B-Squad supports unions.”
  222. Stephanie Bulante, Lucky Pocket Press – Artist Collective and Risograph Press!
  223. Melissa Sayen, This Makes Me Sad: A Short Comic Anthology
  224. Bart Leib & Kay Holt, Resist Fascism (7th successful project), “We’ve run seven successful campaigns and were set to launch our eighth. But we won’t use Kickstarter again while they’re blocking their workers from unionizing.”
  225. Unwoman, Uncovered Volumes 4-5“This was my fifteenth (15!!!) successful kickstarter. I love kickstarter but am unwilling to cross a picket line in any way.”
  226. Vanessa, Radio Silence Volume 1
  227. Fiona M, ‘I READ…’ Bookish Hard Enamel Pins
  228. Jason Scott, Multiple Kickstarters, “Come on, guys.”
  229. Melanie Ujimori, Ki-Bun – Seasonal Kimono Bunny Enamel Pins“I recently wrapped up my third Kickstarter, and hope to continue to push through more campaigns through a unionized Kickstarter!”
  230. Melissa Coleman, Hackaball, “We loved working with Kickstarter on this project. Such a positive experience. Don’t let us down now.”
  231. Big Tim Stiles, Gorilla my Dreams, “Come on guys, my comic book dreams would not be possible without Kickstarter. I’ve published five comics through you guys. Couldn’t have done it without Kickstarter workers. Please give them the same fair go you’ve given so many creators that use your platform. Thanks.”
  232. Parhelia Games, Altais: Age of Ruin
  233. Xavid Pretzer, O-umajirushi: 17th Century Samurai Heraldry, “Solidarity!”
  234. Chris Osborn, True Blue, “I proudly stand in solidarity with the workers of Kickstarter and am shocked and infuriated by management’s attempts at unionbusting. They will not defeat Kickstarter United.”
  235. Mike Rugnetta, Drip launch artist and former Kickstarter Creator in Residence
  236. Dean Peterson, What Children Do
  237. Galen Curry, “This Side of the Glass – New album from The Currys
  238. Mike, Countless Thousands, “Solidarity forever”
  239. Josh Fox, JOIN JOSH FOX’S GRASSROOTS FILM TOUR, THE TRUTH HAS CHANGED!, “We stand in solidarity with workers trying to unionize!!!! We’ve had many successful partnerships with KS in the past, and we hope that KS can stand with workers NOW!”
  240. Gabrielle Alicino, Gabrielle Alicino, We stand in solidarity with workers. We are finishing this campaign with 2 days left to go at the request of Kickstarter United. We hope that this will be resolved, but will not launch another campaign with Kickstarter until it is. 
  241. T.J. Misny, Intimate Semaphores (short film), I will never use Kickstarter again in any capacity unless they recognize and support this effort to Unionize 
  242. Aram Vartian, Godsfall
  243. Adam Bash, SAYER Podcast, Seasons 4, 5, and 6
  244. kiltybeltvahle, Supporting Kickstarter workers to unionize, Unions are essential to a democracy
  245. Gian-Pierre Rosa, The Truth Has Changed, Corporate greed is unacceptable.
  246. Carol , The Truth Has Changed Tour, I support unionization.
  247. Jeri Shepherd, The Truth Has Changed, I support the right of people to unionize. Josh Fox has encouraged us to stand in solidarity.
  248. Mattias Dristig, CEO Vildhallon, NätTrollz!
  249. Eric Idebro , Din nästa mardröm, The kickstarter staff was Great in helping me with my first campaign. Your decision to fire the union people give me a foul taste in my mouth and it makes me both angry and sad.
  250. Jenn de la Vega, Facts N’ Cheese Reboot, Former Kickstarter creator in residence, longtime backer and creator.
  251. Meredith Gran, Perfect Tides, Solidarity with the union.
  252. OliJeffery, Quietus, a roleplaying game of melancholy horror, The union busting actions of the Kickstarter execs are despicable. Please rethink this (illegal) stance before everyone rethinks their choice of crowdfunding platform.
  253. Rees Finlay, Reaffirmation: Coming to terms with an autism diagnosis
  254. Sean Nittner, Big Bad Con 2019, I have run five Kickstarter campaigns and would like to continued to use the platform. I ask the leadership at Kickstarter to remember that your company is a public benefits corporation driven by love and hope. I urge you to recognize Kickstarter United and work with them in good faith to form a union. That is what is best for your staff, your creators, your backers, and your future.
  255. Trevor, The Jane, We fully support Taylor Moore and the right to unionize!
  256. Gil Hova, The Networks: Executives, Please do the right thing, Kickstarter!
  257. Andrew Klosky, Cold Steel Wardens: Roleplaying in the Iron Age of Comics
  258. Richard Herring, RHLSTP, Very concerned to hear about this. Please resolve this issue so we can carry on using this platform.
  259. Kahla, Trade comics for construction workers, Everyone belongs in a union, no other program to date will protect the health and safety of workers. 
  260. Elisha Yaffe, Girl Crazy
  261. Madeline Miller, REvolve
  262. Beth Zyglowicz, Lanterns of Arcadia Vol 1, Union busting is unacceptable. Kickstarter has done fantastic work in supporting independent creators, I want to keep supporting the company, but I need to know that you’re taking care of your hard working employees, and that means allowing them to unionize and bargain for fair working conditions. 
  263. Mark Bouchard, EVERYTHING IS GOING WRONG: Comics On Punk & Mental Illness, Kickstarter has facilitated the printing of so many comics that would otherwise never see the light of day. That makes it all the more upsetting that Kickstarter punishes its employees for unionization efforts. Reconsider your stance, and reinstate the employees fired for their efforts. 
  264. Kelly Phillips, Dirty Diamonds #9: Being, Support the workers who support the creators
  265. J. Kiakas, Myth Retold, 6 Time Project Creator, It’s sincerely disappointing to know that Kickstarter has stooped low enough as to fire workers & oppose the creation of a union.  The projects my partner & I create primarily reach their funding goals because of the immense love and support of various Kickstarter staff.
  266. Tea Fougner, RAW Fanthology, Opposing the unionization of your workers is antithetical to everything Kickstarter means to creative communities.
  267. Jackson Pope, FlickFleet: The Space Combat Dexterity Game, If these staff were sacked for union organising (and that appears to be the case), it is shameful behaviour on Kickstarter’s part.
  268. John Dunn, Accursed RPG
  269. John WS Marvin, Dread Unicorn Games, The Overworld and Beyond
  270. Einar Baldvin, The Crawling King, I used Kickstarter to fund the printing of my illustrated book, The Crawling King.  I was hesitant to use the platform at first, but it quickly turned into a wonderful experience where I got in touch with the enthusiastic community of Kickstarter. They not only made my campaign successful but participated in making it a fun, interactive experience as well with loads of in-character comments and good-will. One of the highlights of the experience was working with Taylor Moore at Kickstarter, who not only advised me on the creation of the campaign but remained an enthusiastic cheerleader and advisor throughout.  I was thus disturbed when I heard he had been fired for organizing a union. I believe Kickstarter is a great platform that enables independent creators like me to realize their vision and I would love to keep using it, including for a follow up to The Crawling King as well as other projects down the road. I am however, hesitant to support a company that does no treat its workers legally and with respect. I stand in support of those unduly fired and urge management at Kickstarter to reconsider their actions, and respect the right of workers to organize. 
  271. Matthew J. Hanson, The Runewild
  272. Christian Ahlin, Tatorship
  273. Kay Sorin, The Three Men You Meet at Night
  274. Rachel Cholst, Artema: The Beast
  275. Andy Wallace, Wonderville, Worm Run, Doodle Defense
  276. Ben Serviss, Wonderville, Solidarity!
  277. Stephanie A Gross, Wonderville, Thank you for letting me share my support! 
  278. Matthew Lepage, Wonderville Arcade
  279. Angela Boyle, Awesome ‘Possum, Volume 4, I have funded 5 projects through Kickstarter and backed 94. I love this platform and sincerely hope that everyone can work together to continue the fantastic work being done at and through Kickstarter.
  280. Chris Hernandez, Wonderville
  281. Alessa Carlino, Going Home, Thanks for creating this petition. Our documentary is about homelessness. Worker protections are a huge step in lifting people out of poverty. Kickstarter, do the right thing.
  282. Jeff Martin, Hell, Inc.
  283. Jesse , Action Figure of the Month Club, Regardless of whether KS is engaged in active union-busting, even the appearance of such is enough to turn me off from the platform.
  284. Steve Segedy / Bully Pulpit Games, Fiasco: The Cinematic Game of Plans Gone Wrong, As a successful project creator since 2012, Bully Pulpit Games is committed to helping Kickstarter best support its workers so that all of us benefit together.
  285. Saurav Sarkar, South Asia Labor Watch
  286. Sean Hallaren, HeroBook – The 5E Player Character Notebook
  287. Daniel Hamilton, danshalloweenstatus
  288. Christian Griffen, Meridian, I will not return to KS unless a union is established. Solidarity forever. 
  289. Ed Barton, Curiscope Virtuali-Tee
  290. Dane Cardiel, Manor House Quarterly, Former employee, too
  291. Richard Stern, Altais: Age of Ruin
  292. Mike Rosen, Firebrat: The True Meaning of Christmas
  293. Scott Walters, create-perl-competition-to-the-php-content-managem, Sending heads rolling to keep employees from talking to each other will break this illusion of an open, comfortable work environment.  I’m surprised you can afford that.
  294. Malika Zouhali-Worrall, Bring Thank You For Playing to Theater Screens, I don’t understand how a B-Corp that claims to be all about community can be anti-union – it makes no sense.
  295. Ben Allen, Science for the People, We support the union and the workers at Kickstarter!!
  296. Christopher Schmidt, Chris Plays Games
  297. Holly Gramazio (for Matheson Marcault), Art Deck
  298. Eunsoo Jeong, Koreangry
  299. Duane King, Pioneer Plaque: A Message From Earth, The Kickstarter platform is dependent on people. If you don’t respect your people, people (staff and public alike) won’t respect you.
  300. Dan Connell, Paradise Can Kiss My Ass Novella, I support unions and am appalled by the company’s recent actions that are anti-labor
  301.  Bevis Musson, The Dead Queen Detectives Colouring Book, The Dead Queen Detectives: The Crown Jewels
  302. Ian Price, Bad Decisions, Executives don’t have magically more merit than line workers. Arguably less in many cases. Workers have the right to collectively communicate their needs to the executive management of their firm, and deserve fair compensation and livable working conditions.
  303. David Pellow, Dekko Comics – Comics of Education, I find the actions and statements of the CEO utterly abhorent and will be recommending everyone I know who is considering to crowd fund anything in the future to avoid this horrendous platform. I know i will be doing so myself and expect the will of the people to overcome these incredibly illegal practices.
  304. Blue Delliquanti, O Human Star Volume 2 + Volume 1 Reprint
  305. Sage Coffey, Sweaty Palms Anthology, Kickstarter gives us editors a way to fairly pay our artists, manufacturers, designers, writers, etc. It feels hypocritical they refuse to do the same for their own employees! 
  306. Betsy Nagler, Flat Daddy
  307. Jason Rankin, Stitches
  308. Sarah Sobole, Doctor Cat Books, I am very disappointed to learn of kickstarter’s anti-union actions. I will no longer be using kickstarter for future projects or pledges as long as the company continues to fight employees’ organization efforts.
  309. Kira Simon-Kennedy, Many! 5 throughout the past decade
  310. Chris Wade, Sausage Sports Club, Worker labor creates a company’s value and retaliation against union organizers is exploitation plain and simple.
  311. Jesse Fuchs, Guts of Glory, Union-busting is bullshit, and I won’t back or start another Kickstarter until they change their policy. 
  312. Andrew O’Neill, Andrew O’Neill’s History Of Heavy Metal DVD, I’m appalled at Kickstarter’s position on this.
  313. Bryan Gaffin, Dinomals, I’m a superbacker of over a hundred projects and I will not be backing any future projects unless this changes.
  314. Scott Fitzgerald Gray, The Hidden Halls of Hazakor
  315. jon Michael Anzalone , Khamra Obscura
  316. petros@leonfilms.net, My Life as a Video Game – A New Webseries, We raised $32,000 about six years ago. I’ve since run multiple campaigns for others on their platform and on others and was planning to do a new campaign for a new project of my own in 2020. Unlikely to use KS now.
  317. Shy Custis, Shadow box insect pins, I’m appalled at the anti-union stance of this company and will be looking into other options for our future projects unless it changes.
  318. Spider & Stephen Perry, Symbols of Faith & Pride, NerdyKeppie is in full support of all efforts towards workplace solidarity by all workers, and wishes our friends and comrades at Kickstarter only the best in their unionization efforts.  We expect Kickstarter management to accede to the majority will of their employees and cease all union busting activities immediately, or they will have seen their last penny from us.
  319. M. Rook, Corvid Collection Raven Pins
  320. Georgina Okerson, Magical Diary: Wolf Hall
  321. Steve LeCouilliard, Una the Blade, I am appalled at Kickstarter management’s regressive and anti-worker policies. There is no Kickstarter without the workers. I hope the current CEO will be removed and replaced with a committee of workers, or at the very least, a leader who recognizes the value of labour to the success of any business.
  322. Vanessa Kelly LeCouilliard, Una the Blade, Much the Miller’s Son (future planned campaign that will now go elsewhere)., As the general director for the Art Babbitt Appreciation Society, representing thousands of animation workers across Canada, I will be advising our supporters to take their crowd funding projects (animation shorts, comics, books, and other illustration related media) elsewhere. I also had the opportunity to speak about unionization with some of your employees before this issue broke, and I was disgusted by how scared they were at collectively solving their workplace problems. You do not have a progressive work environment, have never had a progressive work environment and have now been exposed as such. I look forward to hearing the consequences you will face with the National Labor Relations Board in the near future.
  323. Dan Mirvish , Bernard and Huey
  324. Olivia Hill, Apotheosis Drive X, Also, Kickstarter refuses to allow trans creators to change their names. This leads to gross abuse by backers.
  325. Lenny Broadfoot, Rosy Maple Moth Hard Enamel Pin
  326. Margaret Trauth, Decrypting Rita, I’ve been very happy with what Kickstarter was able to help me do – three successful comics projects printed and shipped – but if y’all keep firing your workers for the crime of trying to unionize, I’m going to have to take my business elsewhere for my next project. Seriously guys you restructured yourself as a “Public Benefit Corporation” that’s charged to act in the interest of things above and beyond increasing shareholder value, fucking act like you have the morals that act implied you did.,
  327. Michael Andersen, Portland Afoot: The App
  328. Thomas McGrenery, Malandros: Tales from the Streets of Old Rio
  329. Breeze Grigas, AEGIS Super Combining Robot Tactics, It’s a little hypocritical for a platform founded on helping the little guy is taking steps to do the opposite on its own premises.
  330. Ekim Kaya, Yourbot
  331. messingerman@gmail.com, The Amazing Fist, I’m always in support of unions and the firings of people involved in union organization is wrong no matter what the reason officially cited.
  332. Patricia Pham, Koreangry, Everyone deserves fair wages and benefits for honest hard work and unions represent this for workers! As someone who is currently in a union, I truly believe this is the right direction. In solidarity.
  333. Richard Day, Girls Will Be Girls 2012
  334. Carlton Reid, 4-time creator, all four funded, Not on! 
  335. Christian Vogt, Aces in Space
  336. Judith Vogt, Aces in Space
  337. Sasha Bilton, OWL Programmable Effects Pedal, I was the kickstarter manager for this project. I love the platform and I’m going to miss it greatly.
  338. Yasmin Khan , The Saffron Tales, As a creator of a successful Kickstarter project, I am absolutely shocked at the anti-union activity by Kickstarter’s management. It flies in the face of decency, equality and human rights (the right to form a trade union is enshrined in the UN’s declaration of human rights and the European Union’s Convention on Human Rights). I will be withdrawing my support of the platform until it changes it practices and recognises the staff trade union and will advise other creators to do the same.
  339. Scott Membry, Mummy’s Boy, Kickstarter’s approach and attitude on this issue is appalling
  340. Darren Cullen (Spelling Mistakes Cost Lives), A Horrid Little Newspaper – Satirical Scale-Model Daily Mail, I’ll never use this platform again
  341. Karen Bellinger, The Time Tribe, Couldn’t have launched my award-winning, steampunky, time travel choose-your-own adventure game without the incredible community of supporters that Kickstarter enabled me to build. It’s time to support your own community of enablers, Kickstarter. It’s not just the right thing to do. Your future – as well as theirs – depends on treating your people with respect and care. 
  342. Steve Kenson, Icons: Great Power, Kickstarter’s anti-union stance makes it far less likely I will consider KS for future projects, and I will encourage colleagues to do the same.
  343. Chris Lee, 100 dungeons deluxe
  344. Stephanie Josephine McAlea, Innsmouth ’86, Unionising is in Kickstarter’s interest. It’s an honest way of finding out what your workers are thinking. Let them unionise.
  345. Kayti Welsh , 78 Tarot Elemental Limited Edition Deck and Book , I have run ten successful Kickstarters and have paid out tens of thousands of dollars in fees to them. I’m sickened by their treatment if workers trying to unionize and will be boycotting them indefinitely until they fix this. 
  346. Stephen Frug, Happenstance: the Print Edition, I had a very good experience with Kickstarter. It saddens me that their actions means I won’t even be able to think of running another project with them. But a company that is anti-union is anti-everyone. Solidarity!
  347. Emily Leverett, Predators in Petticoats (co-editor); Lawless Lands (co-editor) and others, This makes me very sad. I’ve been a part of several KS projects that not only produced great anthologies, but gave voice to previously unknown authors. This anti-union stance, and the firing of unionizing leaders, is wrong. I won’t knowingly give money, time, or endorsement (tacit or otherwise) to such a thing.
  348. Sean Hunt, London Masters Guide, This is abhorrent and Kickstarter staff have my full support
  349. Christa Hartsock, Tech Against Trump by Logic Magazine
  350. PENELOPE TAYLOR, Why the long face? Game
  351. Randy Knapp, Zafir: Tactical Roleplaying Game
  352. Kyri Lorenz, Being True LGBTQ Comics Anthology, No company is our friend. They will always, always, always sell out as soon as it’s profitable for them to do so. It’s especially frustrating when a platform such as Kickstarter engages in this kind of anti-worker behavior, because Kickstarter has been such an integral player in helping small independent artists and collectives get their work out there and cover start-up costs that used to be prohibitive. As the pioneer for this kind of crowdfunding, and an example that many other platforms have attempted to create with varying success, Kickstarter must be pro-worker and establish a culture around crowdfunding that does not depend on exploitation. From the Kickstarter mission statement: “We built Kickstarter to help bring creative projects to life. We measure our success as a company by how well we achieve that mission, not by the size of our profits. That’s why, in 2015, we became a Benefit Corporation. Benefit Corporations are for-profit companies that are obligated to consider the impact of their decisions on society, not only shareholders. Radically, positive impact on society becomes part of a Benefit Corporation’s legally defined goals.” In firing employees for attempting to unionize to gather protections they have not been afforded, Kickstarter is violating its own claimed values. This anti-union stance is 100% in benefit of shareholders only, and an attack on the society they claim to care about. As a Benefit Corporation, it’s Kickstarter’s legal obligation to treat its employees ethically and equitably. 
  353. Renie Jesanis, Being True, Your anti-union and dispicable anti-worker sentiment will make me seriously question using your platform. Without us, your creators, Kickstarter would be nothing. Listen to your creators, who are completely disgusted by your actions
  354. bloominpictures@yahoo.com, Flat Daddy documentary, Several years ago, the Kickstarter campaign for “Flat Daddy” was a huge success. It allowed us to raise the finishing funds for our documentary feature film about America’s military families and their struggles when their loved ones were deployed during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We were proud to showcase the film on your site. I have contributed to several other Kickstarter campaigns over the years and would have continued to do so in the coming years. Under the current circumstances, with Kickstarter actively resisting the union organizing efforts of its workers, I can no longer support your platform. I have been a member of IATSE Local 161 in NYC for more than 20 years. I stand with the workers at Kickstarter (and elsewhere) in their right to organize. You need to reconsider your charter statement as a so-called “public benefit” company if you are placing a profit motive ahead of workers rights. Shame on you!
  355. Travis Horseman , Amiculus: The Graphic Novel Omnibus, I am deeply concerned by Kickstarter’s actions in response to its employees attempts to unionize. I think this is needlessly adversarial on the part of its management and potentially seriously damaging to creator projects and the future of the platform.
  356. Joe Procopio, Icons of Pulp Fantasy, I will use IndieGoGo for my next project fundraiser. 
  357. P goddijn, castle story, two guys space venture, bears vs babies, etc etc (10+), This causes me to strongly prefer alternative funding platforms such as indiegogo
  358. Tanya DePass, Get some Genki, Hi or Coffee in your life by way of pins!
  359. Tabby Rose, Quench, Our team stands in solidarity with Kickstarter’s workers. 
  360. Ari Mulch, The Prometheite: A Lesbian Tragedy, Kickstarter suppressing unionization is shameful and against the core values of many of the creators who use it to find their projects without corporate oversight and exploitation. I stand in solidarity with the union.
  361. Kari Maaren, West of Bathurst: Soul-Destroyingly Huge Print Collection
  362. gabriel.liston@gmail.com, I Know Who’s Drowned
  363. Craig Michael McAdam, Thunder #2, Kickstarter’s position re. its employees is deplorable. A Union MUST happen now.
  364. Jennifer and Kevin McCoy , Workstation Series #2: Cleaner, As Kickstarter Creators in Residence during summer of 2018, we received incredible support from the Kickstarter staff.  Not only did we raise money on the platform, but they allowed us full access to their headquarters where we filmed our project, Workstations #2: Cleaner.  Our project takes alienated labor as its subject, comparing traditional labor to labor of the tech economy. Management’s blatant anti-union stance runs counter to everything we believe about ethics in the workplace and counter to what they profess to offer to artists — an antidote to capitalist top-down funding strategies.  Their stance is neither innovative nor collective and we are saddened they are losing this opportunity to be leaders in the tech sector. We will not be using Kickstarter again until they reverse this position, rehire the fired staff, and publicly apologize for their backward thinking.
  365. Chris Reichard, Angels of Hell, In my day job I am a union worker, and I have a deep appreciation for all the benefits that I receive for my hard work.  Everyone had the right for a better life as payment for their hard work. To be anti-union is to be the closest to sponsored slavery as the law can possibly dictate.
  366. Jake Rodkin, Idle Thumbs
  367. Melissa Gira Grant, Coming & Crying, Solidarity forever
  368. Jonathan Een Een Newton, The Clara Barton Sessions, We stand with the workers trying to unionize at Kickstarter.
  369. Dylan Hansen-Fliedner, Driving Not Knowing, Solidarity forever
  370. Sean Parker, Coup de Cinema
  371. Daniel Theuerkaufer, Heldentaufe
  372. Kelly Lowrey, Spooky Cats Soft Enamel Pins
  373. Nicholas Taniguchi, Chasing clouds
  374. Jaxel Taraei, Foot Soldiers, Kickstarter’s actions disgust me. I will never consider using the platform again if they do not reverse course.
  375. Scott Gable, The Faerie Ring, I’ve run 6 successful Kickstarter campaigns. I stand in solidarity with a Kickstarter workers’ union and won’t run any more until the company stops its union-busting activities.
  376. Bruce Brenneise, Slay the Spire ‘Slaymat’ – Break Kickstarter! As a public benefit corporation, Kickstarter should hold itself to a higher standard with regards to treatment of employees. That includes remaining neutral, not infringing their right to explore unionizing. The fact that employees feel it might be necessary to unionize speaks volumes about possible toxic conditions in the workplace, and instead of gearing up for a big PR propaganda push, Kickstarter should be examining itself and investing in changes for a more sustainable future. Otherwise, ‘Break Kickstarter’ make take on an entirely different meaning for the creators and general public who make Kickstarter possible.
  377. Alexis Flower, I Roved Out in Search of Truth and Love
  378. Josh Pitre, Deluxe Exalted 3rd Edition
  379. Henry Barajas, La Voz De MAYO Tata Rambo, This is frustrating. Kickstarter needs to fix this. 
  380. Rusti Meader, Sins: The Roleplaying Game, Workers are human beings. Human beings have human rights. Workers deserve human rights. Being able to be fairly paid, have fair working hours, and fair working conditions is, or at least should be, a human right. Unions are the means by which these things are fought for. All workers have the right to unionise to protect their rights.
  381. Benjamin Rosenbaum, Dream Askew/Dream Apart, Welp, guess my future projects will be on Indiegogo or whatever, as opposed to this anti-union bullshit!
  382. Travis Heermann, Dawn Of the Deadly, I’ve done four Kickstarter campaigns and I am deeply saddened by the company’s stance. They must reverse their anti union policies or I will never use Kickstarter again, and furthermore I will encourage all my creative friends take their projects elsewhere. 
  383. Charlotte Shane, Prostitute Laundry, unequivocal solidarity with and support for the workers!
  384. Julia Griffin , The Snow Queen
  385. Travis Cook, American Gothic – A Tiny Shoulders Record
  386. Adelheid Zimmerman, Restoration of 16th Century German Longsword Illustrations
  387. Stefan G. Bucher, Sci-Fi Satellite Poster
  388. Jon Washer, The Other Side, Disgusted to have learned this news shortly after what should have been a happy and exciting successful closeout to my campaign. I’m glad for the opportunity to create my project but utterly disgusted  to learn of the anti-union business practices of a company that also profits from my crowdfunding effort.
  389. Nikki, friendship is a garden
  390. Allison Kelley, you get a line, and YOU get a line! Break Kickstarter
  391. Jane Wagner, Break the Game
  392. Jennifer Westcott, Locked in a Garage Band – Feature Film, This decision to fight workers’ rights to a union is extremely disappointing. I am absolutely flabbergasted that a company that bills itself a “public benefit corporation” would oppose its employees’ desire to unionize. My sister and I successfully funded two projects on Kickstarter (Locked in a Garage Band – Feature Film, and A Year Without Rent – Thanksgiving) and I have personally backed five others. We were gearing up for another round of crowdfunding with our next project, but will be using another platform because of this ridiculous position Kickstarter insists upon taking. I cannot in good conscience support you any longer. Do better. 
  393. Gavin Grant, The Chemical Wedding by John Crowley, I support Kickstarter’s workers forming a union. I’d donate to that Kickstarter. 
  394. Athena Hollow, Rome – Anno Octavian, Absolutely furious about kickstarter’s refusal to recognize a union by their staff. ‘for the public good’ classification, my ass.
  395. Ryan Rezvani , The Bitter Ex Bitters Company, We are absolutely appalled by Kickstarter’s CEO’s firings of union organizers – as well as the other evidenced attacks on attempts of the workers to unionize. Kickstarter’s platform is a notion based around success for the greater good of all – not unlike the concept of a worker’s union. It’s incredibly disappointing to see that the direction of this company has decided to take a different route. All of our backers, followers, colleagues, and friends will be notified of this greedy, repugnant decision. We fully support Kickstarter United. We intend to back any and all of Kickstarter’s competition until this situation is appropriately mitigated in favor of the worker’s will.
  396. Meagan Trott, The Owl-Woman Oracle Deck
  397. Chase Erwin, D20NN – D20 News Network
  398. Jennifer Raye, Imperishable Memories – Narrative Angst Shmup Game
  399. Nathan Shorts, ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove, I find it incredibly insulting that Kickstarter — a company that positioned itself as a vehicle for alternative funding from the money-hungry, anti-union corporate funds — has now outwardly admitted to being a money-hungry, anti-union entity itself. I come from the game development industry – an industry overrun with worker mistreatment and abuse, sub-optimal pay rates, and unsustainable work loads. The game industry has desperately needed a guild or a union for a long time now and we’re fighting hard to make that a reality. To find out that Kickstarter’s official position is counter to that struggle and pursuit is, frankly, bullshit. As someone who has run a well-known Kickstarter campaign, participated in countless others, and believed in Kickstarter model, I’m deeply disappointed and don’t plan to associate myself with the platform so long as Kickstarter continues to hold it’s aggressive anti-union views and practices. 
  400. Lautaro Gabriel Gonda, Love and War, I funded my first short film via Kickstarter, way back in 2012. It arguably kickstarted my entire filmmaking career. I have since been employed to direct films by indie studio Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, which has raised millions of dollars via KS. I am dismayed by this anti-union stance and fervently hope they will reconsider their position. 
  401. Aaron Alexovich, IT’S NOT SCARY!, I love Kickstarter because it gives a voice to “little guys” like us. KS employees ARE “little guys” like us. Supporting unionization is a way for KS management to prove everyone’s on the same side.
  402. Ben Dobyns, Multiple projects (over $2 million raised)
  403. Peter Chiykowski, The HMS Bad Idea, Borken Telephone: album/musical broken telephone experiment, Be a Turtle (and Other Secrets to a Happy Life), POSTCARDS FROM IMPOSSIBLE WORLDS // The Shortest Story
  404. Abigail Stevens, Chronic warrior enamel pins, I am disgusted by Kickstarter managements lack of respect and care for their employees. If the union organisers call for a boycott I will happily oblige. 
  405. Rhona Mitchell Tennant, Clothing the Workers: Researching Victorian Clothing
  406. Kale Jeffery, Sweethearts of 1989: a LGBT / Trans Positive Romance Series! I will not be returning to Kickstarter for book printing campaigns for future chapters until they – to put it as politely as possible – take their heads out of their own behinds and treat their workers fairly. I will not allow a portion of my supporters donations to go towards the legal stifling and silencing of people who only want a fair work environment.
  407. LM Zoller, The Corners of Their Mouth, This union worker supports unions.
  408. Rivqa Rafael Berger, Mother of Invention, As a creator in Australia, a country with strong unions, I can confidently state that a union will make Kickstarter better and stronger. Treating your workers fairly is better for everyone, and unions provide a framework for this. Good, ethical companies have nothing to fear from unions.
  409. Prosser, Strange Romance
  410. Kaitlin Wadley, Fantome Anthology, Union have been critical to the workers’ rights movement throughout American history and continue to be critical as employees fight to establish and maintain appropriate wages, benefits, and working conditions under a system of commerce which has no essential interest in their wellbeing. I support the Kickstarter employees and am deeply disappointed in Kickstarter’s lack of ethical and moral oversight in its decision to oppose unionization.
  411. Ryan Casey, Pandora: Purge of Pride, As an inherently collectivist business, Kickstarter must recognize unions, or else they have completely abandoned their purpose. I for one will not support any further projects, refer anyone to create projects, or otherwise support Kickstarter until they allow the same kind of collective support for their employees as their users.
  412. Mia Hye Mardikian, An Unfortunate Spread: A Tarot-themed Pin Set, Almost Real: A Speculative Biology Zine Almost Real: A Speculative Biology Zine (Vol. 2 • FLIGHT), Pacific Arcana: TUMULTUS – A Pacific Rim Uprising Tarot Deck, Almost Real: A Speculative Biology Zine (Vol 1), TABULA IDEM: A Queer Tarot Comic Anthology, I 100% support the unionization of Kickstarter employees, as the concept of crowdfunding projects is an inherently community-based system of support against corporate gatekeeping and allowing individual creatives/individual endeavors to flourish. I wish you all the best of fortune achieving unionization for Kickstarter, and you have the support of both myself and all of Fortuna Media’s publications.
  413. Martin MacKerel, Awful’s Gas and Snack
  414. Angela Korra’ti, Faerie Blood and Bone Walker: Novels by Angela Korra’ti
  415. Kasson Crooker, Vinyl & digital album for BACKSCATTER, I will not be using Kickstarter ever again for a crowdfunding campaign unless the executive team and leadership of Kickstarter recognize the rights of their employees to create a better work environment and life for themselves.  Please start living up to your description as a public-benefit corporation and start by benefiting those who work for you!
  416. Jack Lechner, The New Public 
  417. J Shagam, Unity book I: Ascent, Support workers rights. 
  418. Jay Lender, Duster – The Graphic Novel, Grow the fuck up.
  419. Chlove, GGaR books, Humanity over numbers.
  420. Denholm Sourr, Stuff By Bez, Generally Assistant on this project
  421. David Jenssen Bergkvist, Legend – Rollspelet
  422. Christian Read, The Eldritch Kid, Guys. I can’t in good sense support a shop that’s hostile to unions. Let your crew have a voice. Be good dudes. Be dudes we are proud to work with. Be a union shop. You know we’ll just move on and you’ll be myspace. Do the right thing.
  423. Liam Welton, Sunless Skies
  424. Wick Perry, Crescent Loom: weave neurons, stitch muscles, create life, Kickstarter has been an exceptional company for so much of its history. It has a chance to be a leader once again, but its leadership needs to take a step of faith and trust its workers.
  425. Peter Bensley, Paradox Girl
  426. Clay Dreslough, Masters of the Gridison, We were planning another Kickstarter for next year, but we will fund through our own site and network if Kickstarter staff haven’t been allowed to unionize by then.
  427.  John Harper, Agon
  428. Wendy Sheridan, Postcards Against Fascism, This is incredibly disappointing news. I hope Kickstarter decides to do the right thing.
  429. Michael Gerber, The American Bystander, I am glad for this opportunity to express solidarity with the workers of Kickstarter.
  430. Nadja Oertelt, Women in Science Tarot
  431. Angela R Sasser, Goddesses of Summer Pins, I am in support of a legally organized vote for unionization and for Kickstarter to honor this effort with fairness and respect for its employees.
  432. Che, Baddest Black Man In Outta Space
  433. Hydra Collective, Slumbering Ursine Dunes; Operation Unfathomable, We plan to launch another Kickstarter for a new book release in a few months. But we would feel much more comfortable going on Kickstarter if it were unionized. If the union organizers call for a boycott, we will respect that and seek out a new crowdfunding platform. We support workers, and we support unions.
  434. John Perez, Social Fiends, We stand with you, fist raised!
  435. AJ Berna, Boo! I also back a lot of Kickstarters, and will not be until Kickstarter recognizes their workers right to unionize.
  436. Thomas Deeny, vs KICKSTARTER, Title of the project had nothing to do with the union or company. Just a coincidence.
  437. Andrew Peregrine, Cabal RPG
  438. Courtney Campbell, On Downtime and Demesnes, Unions are legal! Actions to prevent them are not!
  439. Jeremy Weinstein, I’m Gonna Get You (Rescue Dog Films)
  440. Will Allred, Diary of Night Vol. 1 Graphic Novel – A New Take on Vampires,
  441. Anne, Put a Panda on it 3.0, it breaks my heart that this is happening. Kickstarter has been home to 7 projects for me, and I have found many more deserving of my support. I hope that the powers that be can find a way forward to recognize the rights of the workers who make this platform the great place it’s been to host projects. I don’t see how I can ask my supporters to fund my projects if the workers don’t feel like they have a voice in the companyJeff Dieterle, My Jam, I’m the co-creator; the project isn’t under my account although I am attached. No worries if I don’t qualify
  442.  Fraser Campbell, Alex Automatic, I look forward to Kickstarter walking back their current position and recognising the union and reinstating sacked workers. 
  443. Alfie, Debris, Don’t be greedy. Don’t be hateful
  444. Sean Preston, Keep Open Pen Weird, Won’t be using Kickstarter again.
  445. Christopher Mole, Brigantia Issue #1, Strongly condemn the behaviour of Kickstarter’s management and executives – don’t throw away your reputation as a forward-thinking, creator-friendly company by demonising workers who are seeking only to improve their job security! 
  446. Tom Broadbent , At Home With The Furries, Standing in solidarity, every employee should have the right to form a union. Extremely disappointed with the company’s attitude as I was under the impression they were a forward, open and dynamic organisation that puts its workers first.
  447. Michael Boxleiter, Secret Hitler, Kickstarter is it’s employees and they deserve to have a voice in what their company represents. Management has an opportunity to do the right thing and become the company KS has always claimed to be! Kickstarter United!!
  448. Trent Ellingsen, Last Stand (Board Game)

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