Articles by Nathan J. Robinson

Will AI Enable New Musical Creativity or Undermine Musicians?

On my astonishing and somewhat alarming experiments with music generation software, and what AI technology means for music-making.

What If We Didn’t Consider Criminalization an Option?

Instead of re-criminalizing drugs, Oregon should actually take care of people.

War and Mardi Gras

How do we celebrate a joyful holiday when our country is responsible for ongoing terrible suffering?

Islamophobia Will Poison This Country

The U.S. media is once again presenting the vicious dehumanizing caricatures that make it easier to oppress and wage war on people.

More Firefighters, Fewer Cops

If we want to keep people safe, we need institutions more like the fire department and less like the police department.

A Response to Hughes

In defense of a highly critical book review.

Beware Government Bullshit

Government spokespeople aren’t always lying. Usually they are just using as many meaningless words as possible to avoid having to answer a question directly.

How To Talk To Your Newborn About Existence

Our new “baby book” is a handy monologue to explain the universe to newborns.

Would it Be Better if We All Turned Color-Blind?

‘The End of Race Politics’ argues that we need to stop talking about race. In practice, that would entail resigning ourselves to perpetual racial inequality.

Can Trump Be Stopped?

While everyone is exhausted, the “magamachine” rolls on. Is a Trump presidency inevitable?

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