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Royalty reading issues of Current Affairs and frowning with distaste. "Proud to be a magazine that most royals dislike."

Current Affairs

A Magazine of Politics and Culture

Hamilton Movie Livedraw

Will the Hamilton movie be terrible? Yes. But how terrible? Jason Adam Katzenstein returns to draw his appalled reactions in real time.

Who’s excited for the terrifying hiphop musical where the slave-owning Founding Fathers are all somehow people of color with Big Dreams who pull themselves up by their bootstraps? Ishmael Reed is not a fan, and neither is Jason Adam Katzenstein.

More In: Frivolity & Amusement

Cover of latest issue of print magazine

Announcing Our Newest Issue


A wonderful spring issue touching on important issues such as child liberation, whether humans really love animals, why Puerto Rico's political status remains a problem, what Islamic finance can teach us, and how 'terrorism' has become a shape-shifting word. Welcome to the Manos-Fair, and enjoy Luxury British Pants, among other delightful amusements!

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