What Everyone Should Know About the ‘Security Dilemma’

It’s frighteningly easy for those who want peace to blunder into a war. In the age of nuclear weapons, we need to understand how this happens so that we make sure we are not creating a catastrophe.

What ‘Tintin’ Tells Us About Imperialism

Hergé’s comics are now infamous for their portrayals of colonized peoples, but they are useful artifacts for understanding the imperialist worldview.

How Elon Musk Wrecked Twitter

Journalist Zoë Schiffer on the downward spiral of an extremely influential platform.

Can Philosophy Be Justified in a Time of Crisis?

Is it morally acceptable to be apolitical? Is there something wrong with the pursuit of “knowledge for knowledge’s sake”?

When Stated ‘Intentions’ Don’t Matter

Israel knows that its assault on Gaza is inflicting mass civilian death and starvation but claims that these outcomes are not its ‘intention.’ But when you know the consequences of your actions, what difference do intentions make?
